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Worst flatmate


Well-Known Member
Um, I often just closed my door and learnt that was my space away, I suppose you have to adapt. But the Saturday night party drove me nuts, I had to wear earphones. Forever dealing with cold showers. But it was ok, I became somewhat friends but at times I was anti-social spending time alone. Was very fussy about dogs that don't stop barking. Just had the wind chime moved to another window not by me.
Actually they thought I was ok, I learnt to play pool, we helped one another as I would buy meat but I never really are it and I gave it away to them to barbeque. Zoe tried to invite me and dress me up to go out, but I tried her clothes and explained I had tummy ache as last time when I wanted to go home I was stuck at party whole night, ended up on couch watching TV and fell asleep.

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