Ahh, the good old days, how I used to love being a naive youth, my days were filled with wonder and the pure joy of everything being new.
I developed a passion for the things that everyone around me liked as these where the only things I knew, I couldn?t go exploring to uncover new things for myself and nothing that would interest only me came by any of the houses I lived in. therefore it was a only a natural progression that my dear old nan got me interested in one of her favorite things, wrestling, yes? wrestling! Big sweaty men grappling and throwing one another round a squared circle!
Now the yanks (no offense) will understand this, the brits (no offense) may well be on board with me as well, the fact of the matter is that as a child, just the advert would make my blood race, I would hear that there was going to be a bout between a face (good guy) and a heel (bad guy) and I knew both of them. Well, that was it for me, I couldn?t concentrate at school and I would wait with baited breath, I would be on tenterhooks, it couldn?t possibly be as good as I was imagining it would be! It always was better though.
I started out watching Aussie?s wrestle (I think it went: ) THIS SATURDAY NIGHT AT FESTIVAL HALL? BE THERE OR BE SQUARE!!! I could be wrong it was a long time ago! But then there was this other show, in the later years when nans sight was going, it was helmed by President Jack Tunney, I think was his name, and sometimes he would come to the ring and sort out the goings on. His son Vince was a great announcer and there was this English bloke too.
I should get to my point! Okay, so? oh yeah, it seems that the Easter Bunny isn?t real, my brother told me! He is two years older than me so he would know yeah?
Anyway, it seems that Santa is just my mother & dad buying stuff and putting it under the tree, which is fine by me. My second oldest brother told me that one and he?s four years older so he definitely knows! Now to the point, I understand that wrestling is ?fake?, but, why the hell am I so passionate about defending it all the time. Whenever people hear that I am a fan of wrestling they automatically (yes it is automatic like they have it hardwired into their brain), they automatically feel they have to inform me of the worlds biggest conspiracy, wrestling is ?fake?! Mmmm, for some reason I arc up and tell them in a huff that yes, it is ?fake?, the things they are doing would kill a man in his prime and so they have to do it in such a way so as not to hospitalize each other but it is really just supposed to be good fun and so is not to be taken as reality, it is a soap opera for men!
?Oh yeah, I know that, but? the storylines are all worked out in advance, they all know what the others are going to do beforehand, its staged?
So what?s the story here? Why do people have to pull you down like that? Ridicule your interests even after you defend them? Would it be the same if I liked ballet? Or lawn bowls? Or is it just wrestling and I am too wrapped up in it to let it slide? How can something that is liked by so many people be seen as ridiculous by so few and yet their opinion still matters? Personally I think it is because it is attached to the memory of my nan and it is tied to my upbringing that I feel compelled to defend it so vehemently. But, should I have to? Would you let it slide? How well do you defend your obsessions?
I?m gonna put a figure four leg lock on the next mean hombre that steps into this here ring? oooooohhhh YEAHHAAA :beardM:
Sorry, I just realized this post went on for a while ; ]
I developed a passion for the things that everyone around me liked as these where the only things I knew, I couldn?t go exploring to uncover new things for myself and nothing that would interest only me came by any of the houses I lived in. therefore it was a only a natural progression that my dear old nan got me interested in one of her favorite things, wrestling, yes? wrestling! Big sweaty men grappling and throwing one another round a squared circle!
Now the yanks (no offense) will understand this, the brits (no offense) may well be on board with me as well, the fact of the matter is that as a child, just the advert would make my blood race, I would hear that there was going to be a bout between a face (good guy) and a heel (bad guy) and I knew both of them. Well, that was it for me, I couldn?t concentrate at school and I would wait with baited breath, I would be on tenterhooks, it couldn?t possibly be as good as I was imagining it would be! It always was better though.
I started out watching Aussie?s wrestle (I think it went: ) THIS SATURDAY NIGHT AT FESTIVAL HALL? BE THERE OR BE SQUARE!!! I could be wrong it was a long time ago! But then there was this other show, in the later years when nans sight was going, it was helmed by President Jack Tunney, I think was his name, and sometimes he would come to the ring and sort out the goings on. His son Vince was a great announcer and there was this English bloke too.
I should get to my point! Okay, so? oh yeah, it seems that the Easter Bunny isn?t real, my brother told me! He is two years older than me so he would know yeah?
Anyway, it seems that Santa is just my mother & dad buying stuff and putting it under the tree, which is fine by me. My second oldest brother told me that one and he?s four years older so he definitely knows! Now to the point, I understand that wrestling is ?fake?, but, why the hell am I so passionate about defending it all the time. Whenever people hear that I am a fan of wrestling they automatically (yes it is automatic like they have it hardwired into their brain), they automatically feel they have to inform me of the worlds biggest conspiracy, wrestling is ?fake?! Mmmm, for some reason I arc up and tell them in a huff that yes, it is ?fake?, the things they are doing would kill a man in his prime and so they have to do it in such a way so as not to hospitalize each other but it is really just supposed to be good fun and so is not to be taken as reality, it is a soap opera for men!
?Oh yeah, I know that, but? the storylines are all worked out in advance, they all know what the others are going to do beforehand, its staged?
So what?s the story here? Why do people have to pull you down like that? Ridicule your interests even after you defend them? Would it be the same if I liked ballet? Or lawn bowls? Or is it just wrestling and I am too wrapped up in it to let it slide? How can something that is liked by so many people be seen as ridiculous by so few and yet their opinion still matters? Personally I think it is because it is attached to the memory of my nan and it is tied to my upbringing that I feel compelled to defend it so vehemently. But, should I have to? Would you let it slide? How well do you defend your obsessions?
I?m gonna put a figure four leg lock on the next mean hombre that steps into this here ring? oooooohhhh YEAHHAAA :beardM:
Sorry, I just realized this post went on for a while ; ]