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Yay! I have COVID.

Yes. I just got back from a dance camp with some 200 people and 8 of them ended up going home with positive covid tests.

Metalhead. I hope your illness does not last long. There is a medication to take, that if you take it right away makes the symptoms less.
Vaccines are not everything they are cracked up to be! One of my sisters has never been vaccinated, but her partner has and they both caught covid, but he suffered far more than my sister and I have heard this a lot.

So far, I have not had covid and there have been times I could have, but I do take vitamin D3 every day.

I am assuming the YEY part is sarcasm?
Home test.

I have been vaccinated three years ago but I got none of the boosters after that.
You may want to read my thread on covid, has all the answers you need. I get covid all the time am very resistant to the virus doing any damage. Unfortunately you are among the only 15% of the population capable of getting it.
not sure where you are located. My stats are based on Ontario, Canada.
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Home test.

I have been vaccinated three years ago but I got none of the boosters after that.
Probably a mistake.

Like the flu, the virus evolves over time so any given vaccination will be less effective against a new strain. Hence the occasional need for new vaccines. Plus, nobody has ever said that any vaccine is 100% effective. (Smallpox comes very close.)

Also, not every vaccine will yield lifelong immunity. Some will, some won't. That's the reason we have to vaccinate dogs against rabies again one year after the first time and every three years after. The vaccine works fine, but immunity doesn't last.

I've been vaccinated against COVID 3 times with Pfizer and 3 times with Moderna. I'll probably continue getting vaccinated every time a new variant evolves. It will be like an annual flu shot.
Sorry to hear that mate. It went through our clan back in April IIRC. Was just about to get my booster done too. Personally it was kind of middle of the pack in grimness this time. First time was the worst by far. Think I've had it 6 times so far. Lost count TBH. Every time it could be covid we do the test and, yepp, there it is again.

Hope it passes quickly. Look after yourself.

Unfortunately you are among the only 15% of the population capable of getting it.

I must know some very unlucky people then.
You may want to read my thread on covid, has all the answers you need. I get covid all the time am very resistant to the virus doing any damage. Unfortunately you are among the only 15% of the population capable of getting it.
not sure where you are located. My stats are based on Ontario, Canada.
I think your numbers are a bit off there. The US had around 30% of the population infected, not counting those who caught it but didn't get tested for whatever reason. Without vaccination, masks, social distancing, etc. that could have gone much higher.

I think most people can catch it, but not everyone will get seriously ill, and some people will need a bigger virus load than others before being infected.
Probably a mistake.

Like the flu, the virus evolves over time so any given vaccination will be less effective against a new strain. Hence the occasional need for new vaccines. Plus, nobody has ever said that any vaccine is 100% effective. (Smallpox comes very close.)

Also, not every vaccine will yield lifelong immunity. Some will, some won't. That's the reason we have to vaccinate dogs against rabies again one year after the first time and every three years after. The vaccine works fine, but immunity doesn't last.

I've been vaccinated against COVID 3 times with Pfizer and 3 times with Moderna. I'll probably continue getting vaccinated every time a new variant evolves. It will be like an annual flu shot.

Yeah, it's very important to take measures to protect yourself. Which can also help to protect those around you, too.

Getting the vaccine and boosters is the most important, but you gotta keep doing it or it'll slowly wear down.

Other than that, just being careful helps a lot. Dont touch your face after touching other things (which frankly is good advice regardless of Covid, it only takes a small touch to transfer who knows what from any surface onto your hand, after all), wash your hands before eating or anything (and learn to wash PROPERLY, most people dont know how), and stay away from crowds if at all possible. If you just must go into a crowded place, not a bad idea to use a mask. Even if others whine at you about it, as some will.
I think your numbers are a bit off there. The US had around 30% of the population infected, not counting those who caught it but didn't get tested for whatever reason. Without vaccination, masks, social distancing, etc. that could have gone much higher.

I think most people can catch it, but not everyone will get seriously ill, and some people will need a bigger virus load than others before being infected.
I did not make the numbers up they are from the provincial government one per day They are what they are. irrespective of opinion.
Keep in mind the population of Ontario was quite compliant without much controversy when it came to vaccines and masking. Most of the issues were in other provinces. my issue now is if I come in contact with a covid virus carrier within a few days my temperature goes up then goes down day later. My rare blood type is the key to how immunity to this virus works. So rare that nobody will do a study.
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