Hello, this is the first in a probably-will-be-mildly-successful-but-mostly-exists-for-the-sake-of-boredom-prevention comedy series, Autsitically Funny Short Sketches. Just think Robot Chicken but appealing to a much more G-Rated audience with loads of satirical humor and references to things we may or may not be familiar with.
A: (picks up the phone) Hello?
B: Hey, I need your help with a game, you got a minute?
A: Uh, make it quick, I'm buying shoes.
B: Okay well, I just need a walkthrough for a text adventure I'm playing.
A: Okay, what's the problem?
B: I need Ye Flask and it says I can't get Ye Flask.
A: ...What do you mean you can't get Ye Flask?
B: I mean, I can't get Ye Flask.
A: Well then uh, reach over the counter or something.
B: Okay. (B types in "REACH OVER COUNTER" on the parser.) Uh, it says I'm too far away.
A: Well get closer.
B: (he types "WALK TO COUNTER") I'm at the counter.
A: Reach over it, and get Ye Flask.
B: ("GET YE FLASK") Er, I still can't get Ye Flask.
A: What? You're at the counter, right?
B: Yeah. Wait, what if I climb over it? ("CLIMB OVER COUNTER") It doesn't know what a "climb" is.
A: What?! Okay, what are you even playing?
B: Perception Quest.
A: What in the almighty cripes is Perception Quest?
B: Hey, Joe? I just realized something. I can't see anything that's happening on the screen. In fact, there aren't any graphics at all. Everything is just words. I think I'm blind or something.
A: (he puts down the phone, and realizes what just happened.) Oh, the irony.
A: (picks up the phone) Hello?
B: Hey, I need your help with a game, you got a minute?
A: Uh, make it quick, I'm buying shoes.
B: Okay well, I just need a walkthrough for a text adventure I'm playing.
A: Okay, what's the problem?
B: I need Ye Flask and it says I can't get Ye Flask.
A: ...What do you mean you can't get Ye Flask?
B: I mean, I can't get Ye Flask.
A: Well then uh, reach over the counter or something.
B: Okay. (B types in "REACH OVER COUNTER" on the parser.) Uh, it says I'm too far away.
A: Well get closer.
B: (he types "WALK TO COUNTER") I'm at the counter.
A: Reach over it, and get Ye Flask.
B: ("GET YE FLASK") Er, I still can't get Ye Flask.
A: What? You're at the counter, right?
B: Yeah. Wait, what if I climb over it? ("CLIMB OVER COUNTER") It doesn't know what a "climb" is.
A: What?! Okay, what are you even playing?
B: Perception Quest.
A: What in the almighty cripes is Perception Quest?
B: Hey, Joe? I just realized something. I can't see anything that's happening on the screen. In fact, there aren't any graphics at all. Everything is just words. I think I'm blind or something.
A: (he puts down the phone, and realizes what just happened.) Oh, the irony.