Oh... there's a lot of things people told me as to why I can't be autistic, and a lot of these things aren't even things that are common to start with.
Some people still think that people on the spectrum can't speak and rock back and forth all the time. And in fact, this kind of ignorance is something that happens even with "professionals" at for instance a jobcenter or social services. People also think that I don't look autistic. Whut? Yes... apparently if you're on the spectrum you look the way as well. No one ever took the effort to enlighten me how someone looks autistic.
Then there's the notion of actually going somewhere. It makes people think I don't qualify. Since when is being antisocial an AS trait exclusively? I don't hate being social 24/7, I might go out to a bar and have a few drinks. Just based on that people think that I can't be that antisocial. Little do they know that if I go out I'm there to enjoy the music and don't talk to anyone. I just have my drinks, sit somewhere, maybe dance a bit and leave. A lot of people have a way to generic understanding of things I do, and automatically assume that because they go out to a bar and be social, I'm like that, and therefore my social skills are fine. And this is just one of many examples.
I'm not always as social awkward, but then again... I only go out when I feel confident enough with my social skills and even then, I prefer to only engage in social interaction about stuff I know/care about. Last thursday I went to a gaming store. I went there to buy some models, but as it happens, there were a few guys having a game. I went over to check it out and spent a good 1,5 to 2 hours hanging out there, even chatting with the guys. But... it was all game related. I rambled on about chances in dicerolls, stats of said units in the guys armies, debated rules and so on... there was no notion of being really social on a superficial level. For what it's worth; I don't even know their names.
If I tell someone I went to store X and talked to some guys; people will assume I'm actually pretty social. No, I'm not... I'm just not that socially awkward and have a pretty narrow field of interest to talk about. And as such don't mind talking about this interest, since I know most gamers are interested in this (and I pretty much assume these guys are like "the average gamer who likes this kind of chatter).
And this was pretty much the same thing when I went to a local gaming store to play cards in weekly tournaments. I went there to play cards, I talked cards, I traded cards and I did not care, nor bring up any smalltalk that was not related to cards. Yet people think that because I hang out there I actually enjoy being around people.
So I've heard a lot of things thrown at me why I'm not on the spectrum, based on an assumption that because someone goes somewhere, it automatically includes social protocol, small talk and social skills. People just shouldn't assume things... but then again, I hate the word "normal" in a lot of context... which probably puts an exclamation mark at the notion of "don't assume anything".
I gotta stop now... I'll end up rambling, lol