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your new roomate is 2010 you.


Darth Binks is real.
You are sitting in math class bored out of your mind. This is nothing new, after years of studying and effort that you may never be able to put in again just to get to this point, and despite the teachers monotone voice awkward silences, you foc=cus the best you can. A powerful feeling inside you of wanting to be anywhere else but here wells up inside, though you still give a half effort to keep your eyes open and following along. It is only the start of the class. Thirty minutes in, and it already feels as if you have been there for an eternity. If it has only been this long, and having so much left, you question your ability to focus for the rest of the class.

The work is heavy, and the computations are large. Without a calculator there would be no hope of keeping up. For this class. The Bureau of Calculator Control and Safety Administration has trusted you with such a dangerous device. Like a tired trucker barely staying awake controlling a multi ton vehicle at highway speeds, you start to feel as if you are loosing control, but continue on anyways, you feel you have no choice.

Your mistake was not known up until the consequences of what you have done. The world you see around you starts to warp, as the light is bent around the space time ripple. Other students in the study hall react thusly to the change, while the other side of the room reacts the same, but looking as if they are moving in slow motion. You feel a strong pull rocking you back and forth in different directions as the gravitational waves radiate outwards. Your professor as if he knew before hand, throws a textbook right at you at an inhuman speed, just missing you and hitting the calculator.

He furiously stomps towards you, and with a look of fear, anger, and disdain chokes out the words "What have you done?" you look down to the broken calculator, and see the message
'error' in the LCD before it fades. You realized you have broken the space time continuum, you doomed the world. In your fatigue, you divided by zero.


You are now required to live with your past self from a decade ago while the world crumbles around both of you. This is going to have to last for another ten years. First impressions? I am thinking you may have a small amount of idea off the bat about how it goes. Kinda just is one of those things that either work or don't. Thing is though, even if it doesn't work, you have to at least cohabit the same living space... until 2030.
How would you make that work? And I wonder what life changing effects the younger version of yourself living with the current one. I wonder if those effects would translate back into yourself as well because of some sort of weird time paradox or something. That makes for an interesting scenario. The better of an effect you living with your younger self for that ten years has, effects you as well... don't know how that would work.

You guys think you could do it?
Yeah no problem, 2010 me was quite pleasant, I imagine there's less of an issue here for a 61 year old than a 21 year old!. And we'd have plenty of space, I had a bigger house then. We could jobshare, and have half the week off for 10 years. And probably mend the space time continuum too, I expect. Simples.
I'd get on fine with 2010 me. I prefer to live alone but really my only requirements for a roommate are that they are quiet and will keep up their share of the chores and bill payments, and 20 year old me would have no problem with that. I'd certainly prefer to life with 2010 me than most other people. As roommates go I would be the more annoying one as I have got used to having my own space and like to walk around naked and talk the the cat a lot.
This strangely weird scenario could workout! Is this some corporate experiment with a new mind alternative drug that pharma hopes to make millions off of? Sign me up, l doubt my life couldn't get way weirder then it already is. Why not add to the complexity because l am braindead from the stupidity loop l am currently caught in. It could prove as a joyous distraction. Anyways, l do like to run around in underwear because it's most comfortable. That 20 year-old was a give it a chance, why not? I did like that about her.
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I kinda did that mentiality. Trying to see threw the eyes of my future self. Now i look threw the eyes of my past self.
The 2010 me and the 2010 Mrs. clg114 still lived in the big house( We moved last spring ) and now we live in a 2 bedroom house that is much smaller. Our kids were gone and we had a few grandkids, ages 1 to 11. Our oldest child was 40 and youngest was 26. The 2020 me and Mrs. clg114 have more grandkids and a few great-grand kids. Our lives aren't all that much different.
If my roommate was my 2010 me, I would make sure he got himself into addiction treatment and rehab sooner. I was a real mess a decade ago.
I would have a lot of explaining to do to my 2010 me. About having Asperger's, not taking certain decisions, giving information which can explain things going on in my life.

Telling my 2010 me about Asperger's is a no-brainer, the question is, do I tell 2010 me about the breast cancer? Could the breast cancer have been prevetable if I had known, or was it down to bad genes and luck of the draw and nothing you can do? In which case, perhaps better not to say anything, except remind myself that I need to have mammograms and check my breasts for lumps. In which case my 2010 self, being a bit paranoid, will get suspicious and ask my 2020 self if she knows something but isn't telling?

I'd learn a lot about myself, though. I'd see myself from the outside, as other people see me, and all my flaws, quirks and weaknesses will become apparent. Like having a real life, living reflection.
I doubt this would work very well because neither of us are suited to living with others. We would both spend most of our time in our rooms. Don't know what we'd do if we didn't get our own bedrooms. If I could get through to 2010 me, I'd try to get her into therapy ASAP and also suggest she look into TMS. she was severely depressed (and that didn't change until just last year after having TMS). If we actually opened up and started talking with each other, we'd enjoy long discussions about our special interests, but we're both pretty reclusive (though 2020 me is a little less so). We would probably be delighted (again, if we actually spoke to each other) to have someone who actually understands so many key parts of our lives. Depending, we could either become best friends (who still need plenty of alone time), or we could barely speak twenty words to each other the entire ten years.
A 7 year old child who suffered from abuse and I'd probably have to parent them. What could go wrong?
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Wow, I would have loads of info and advice for my 2010 self. First and foremost, I'd tell him to get the hell out of that miserable drugstore as fast as possible. Don't even give two weeks' notice. Just leave!!!!!! I would give him the names of the companies my 2020 self has applied to and tell him to get cracking.

Then, I'd tell him about Asperger's and how the diagnosis can help him understand all the garbage that happened in his childhood so that he can make peace with the past and focus on becoming a better husband and father. Speaking of which, I would have all sorts of marital advice covering every topic related to marriage, sparing him a couple of brushes with divorce. But, I wouldn't tell him about Girl #3 arriving in 2011. Let him be surprised. :-)

Also, I would tell him to go all out in pursuit of his writing dreams. While he won't get published until 2019, he will find his way back to sanity and to a workable understanding of human behavior and, in the process, he will meet a wonderful new friend.
I would say the support you thought you would get from autistic people will never happen and you are right you are autistic and dont keep trying to socialise you dont want to and NTs and autistic people arent reliable .
2010: Where am I? Are you- :eek:?

Me: Yep, I'm you.

2010: Oh no. This can't be happening. No. How-? No, don't tell me. I shouldn't listen to you. Don't want to know. This isn't happening. I refuse to accept this. Just a dream. (Covers ears) I'm not listening to you! After all, you're not even real!

Me: *weakly laughs* It's a funny story actually, well, maybe not funny but uh...well, I kind of put the world in danger by incorrectly wielding the hidden power of maths.

2010: *stares blankly, looks out window at the state of the outside world and sighs* ...Yeah, that sounds like me alright. I'd say that I can't believe that I'm still such a disaster, but I really can. That's what I do isn't it? Ruin everything.

Me: Well that's blatantly untrue. Except in this case, of course.

2010: Oh please, stop fooling yourself. This thing must be a stress dream, I guess my subconscious is trying to be nice to me for some reason in its on strange way. Not that I deserve it. You and I both know that deep down.

Me: Right now you're stuck in a unhealthy state of mind. I used to be so mean to myself.

2010: What I am is realistic. Aren't we all miserable when we're being honest about it? I've wondered about that, if anyone can be truly happy or if all the adults have just learnt to lie and get by in this unstable society.

Me: Happiness exists. People can be happy. I know that it doesn't seem like it right now, but you're stuck in an unfortunate situation. However, it's temporary. I never truly realised just how miserable I was until I started to get out of a rather unhealthy mindset. You think that you deserved how certain people in your life treated you, but you didn't. It's OK to be mad at them, but don't let them hold you back.

2010: Whatever you need to tell yourself. I'm just glad this isn't real, this being a dream means that I'm slightly more redeemable. Or at least, not as bad as I could be. Now, if I could just wake up. I bet I'm in a classroom right now. Not that it matters that I'm missing class, I'm a failure anyway. That's what I'll always be. Either that, or merely mediocre. No matter how hard I try. I'm so stupid.

Me: *Sprays younger self with water* No! Stop that! You're doing it again!

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