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  • I'm Not An Artist.
    Do not feed into the lies of the mind. No one and nothing can stop you from trying, other than yourself. I draw on occasion. You'll see my profile...
    • Xinyta
  • Lost
    It's difficult when you're caught between wanting to improve - which means self analysis, and wanting to let go - which means no analysing of...
    • blue_bird
  • a question
    The media definitely affects the way we think. I think you are not over thinking. For me, the internet is a blessing since i can communicate...
    • AprilR
  • a question
    I guess it does make one think right now: "Are my values/inclinations my very own, or has social media/other media prompted me to think that way?"...
    • blue_bird
  • a question
    I am quite old, so when i was a child we did not have smartphone, or even analog computers. I spent days reading books and creating stories inside...
    • AprilR

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Blog entries
2 min read
I always ask this question to organizations, where do you get your funding from? School-based organisations will always say, the school granted me the money! Then one of the autism groups I joined said they are funded by another autism group, which has a different strategic direction from...
2 min read
That's what some thing my life is. No, far from the truth. Despite my family having one of the mere 10 Nissan GT-R R35 in both Singapore and Malaysia, and that most of my family members are doctors or working in lucrative healthcare professions, I have zero interest in nice cars, medicine...
I'm from a very small town (about population 350) so honestly I've never encountered a true gangster. But what I have seen is the people who think they are gangsters. This pisses me off. So much. Not because they're "posers" but because no one ever stops and wonders WHY you would DESIRE to be a...
What do you call the person of Chinese descent who actually feels like 'White'? My grandmother, like many Singaporeans of Chinese descent, decided to use this description to me. Specifically, she called me 'Hin Jiu Lang', which just literally means, 'banana man'. Unlike her sons, I...
1 min read
Used to be the case when I was an Apple fan. We owned every Apple stuff as soon as they were out. I am always happy whenever I got the freshest Apple gear. However, after a few years using Apple, I always feel disappointed with the products I am using. I forgot that I paid tons of money...
1 min read
Random / Silly
My username suggests I live in North-east England. My mannerisms suggest I am really into Japanese stuff, despite me not posting much about it. I have the fantasies to visit the Rockies every night. But I am still in Singapore. Why do I feel slightly out of place in...
Spinning Compass
1 min read
Back in the prosperous Fifties, a time that seems so far away now, Ayn Rand wrote a novel which became a cult classic, "Atlas Shrugged." It is a sort of economic "Left Behind" novel, in which all the wealthy people start disappearing with all their money and what happens when they do. Well...
1 min read
Recently, I spoke to a family friend, who is a Badger and Cardinal fan (he graduated from University of Wisconsin-Madison and Stanford Medical School). We talked about some Big Ten football - how Michigan State and Wisconsin are cruising in their respective divisions (Legends and Leaders...
1 min read
I thought Tuesday is even a sadder day than Monday. Monday has already been a chore. It?s like lessons after lessons, work after work, and mindless thing after another mindless thing. I don?t know what?s next, other than maybe writing my pathetic situation to everyone. My head is...
Spinning Compass
4 min read
We are now up to Acts 21, where Paul gets into a riot at the Temple in Jerusalem and is rescued by Roman soldiers. And if anyone wants to write an action scene well, they could do worse than to study verses 27:39. Just a few short sentences, but even in translation they have lost none of their...
1 min read
We can't stop autism genes from being identified, so that we can be extinct if people think having them is having too much of a risk to take... But one thing we can do - now, while we are still alive, let's rediscover humanity... And we now have a lack of it. Because we choose to...
Spinning Compass
4 min read
One of my favorite movies when I was growing up was the "Wizard of Oz". It was an annual routine in my family, get out the homemade popcorn (no microwaves in those days), gather around the old black and white TV set, and settle down for an evening of fun and fantasy. Once we got past the...
2 min read
Everyday Life
I do not belong to where I am today. Singapore reminds me of Washington D.C - except that it's too uncomfortable to be considered as a 'home'. It can be quite intellectual for those who want to scratch beyond the surface, it can also be vibrant that is on par with the usual Asian cities. And...
I think poverty is the greatest deterrent to personal success. But after poverty, the biggest obstacle is the desire to have a coordinate effort for self-improvement in the Aspies. With wealth, Bob Wright decided to try to cure his autistic grandchild. This is why we have (censored). What a...
I often meet with a co-worker from a different department at lunch and we share what is going on with our days. Recently she has been telling me about a new girl in her department and the issues others have been having with her. Now, keep in mind, I don't really know the girl, so I can't judge...
1 min read
I have unrealistically high expectations of autistic people functioning in the world and with their family, society, etc. I wish for all members to optimize their performance, regardless of their stims and mannerisms and whatever, just to do what they can do to the world. Even my parents...
Spinning Compass
4 min read
In my last post I wrote about a video my church group watched on David and Goliath. Now David and Goliath is one of the great underdog stories of all time. Here's a mighty warrior, pride of the Philistine army, felled by a stone slung by a kid. Ever since, it's been cited as proof that with...
Spinning Compass
4 min read
Last night in "small group" we watched a video on David and Goliath (here we go again, killing in defense of God). Anyway, what was interesting is that the video's narrator mentioned that the Israelites did not have iron technology back in those days. This was no small thing. Iron was very...
2 min read
Everyday Life
I'm beginning to notice how overprotective and sugar-coated the world is today, or at least it is in the United States. Professional football has turned into a game of pansies trying as much as they can to not hurt opposing players ("Roughing the Quarterback") while wearing nearly three times as...
I have a proposal. Since it now appears that bullies in Michigan have license to bully as long as they can demonstrate that this bullying stems from deep moral or religious convictions, I suggest that should their victims demonstrate that they have suffered harm from this bullying that they or...
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