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For anyone out there who feels a burning anger that you are still fighting and NOT getting heard, this is my advice.

You need to be clear in your own mind before you even begin to make them listen.

Ignore the haters. I mean by that, the lay person and the professionals. You will be up against people with power who will try to obtruct you, from the second you open your mouth.

Technically, you have the right to an 'Assessment of Need'. The minute that you use this, as you are entitled to do, be wary.

The government are the ones telling the public system to only prioritise serious cases. Driven by money. Over diagnosis of particularly Autism leads to a demand in services that are already at breaking point.

They don't want to seem like they can't provide a good service to you, because they know that they cannot give this on a quality level to a sudden flood of users.

They also are extremely wary themselves of over-diagnosis. It's natural for anyone to need to drive a point home if they are already defending themselves against opposition from the start.

This vicious circle is created by THEM. NOT US.

So, after being clear in your mind and you know that you have the right to be heard, you need to make them listen. This is where they will attempt to deny you.

Be persistent. The minute you allow them to put you off, they win. Even if they try to discourage you, notice that it will be VERBAL. 'Oh, everyone is like that sometimes, that doesn't make them Autistic' type comments.

They would not dare say this in writing because that is unethical in their own policy, especially at early diagnostic stage.

So now you realise this, the remedy is use the weapons that work. Photographs and letters. Capture the Autistic traits visually, it's proof. Write a concise checklist of behaviours. End that letter with reiterating your suspicions, but balance your rights to be heard with the flexibility of allowing the professionals to decide.

It's like getting behind a cow in a field to guide it into the next green area. You present your case, leaving them no choice. They cannot refuse to hear you out because you stood up to them in writing and are convincing them with photos.

Even though they may prefer to ignore you, once it reaches this stage, it can't . Because they have an obligation to adhere to their own policy.

In the event that they first deny you, if they make a decision to disagree, go home, take a breath. Recuperate from the shock. This first step has wiped you out; get ready to strike again.

Relax, because despite your stress response, you will win eventually. Step 2 is appeal it. After that, if you still get rejected, use whatever other option you have left to persist in your plan.

As long as you're polite, firm, and don't argue you'll be listened to.

If they lie or oppose you, especially face to face, mentally remember what's being said to put you off.

Go home, write it down. You are now going to use it against them, to prove their obstruction.
Get names.


Repeat their opposing argument on PAPER when you appeal it in a letter, say the reasons why you disagree.

The more calm and relaxed you are the clearer your thoughts will be and that will save you.

The biggest mistake you can make is not learning how to balance your anger, rage is there to show the injustice, so its a useful guide, that's how you know that you need to fight.

So don't repress it. Control it. When you get home, scream and rant about the unfairness of it. When you put on your clothes and leave the house to challenge them, be calm. Be clear and precise. Be firm. Be persistent.

They'll agree in the end just to get rid of you, making YOU one of the few cases they reluctantly accept, and they'll scuttle away and pick on somebody weaker.
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