I was diagnosed in my freshmen year of college but I feel as though Autism has shaped me my entire life even if I didn't know it. It started with my interest in the Jonas Brothers, which led to my interest Les Miserables and Diabetes, which led to my interest in politics and the US Capitol as well as my interest in Doctor Who which led into my interest in Vincent Van Gogh. These interests seem totally unconnected but they were so very connected in ways only I knew. They all link back to my interest in the Jonas Brothers because I had a huge crush on Nick Jonas, who was in Les Miserables as a kid and again as an adult, who has diabetes, who went to the US Congress to testify at the Children's Congress about the importance for government funding in finding a cure for diabetes. I became friends with someone with diabetes and she introduced me to Doctor Who and the episode known as Vincent and the Doctor led me to Vincent Van Gogh. Some of these things I am still very interested in however some of them I've grown out of. Some of these interests made it difficult for me to make friends while some of them have led me to make new friends I'm going to talk about many of these interests and what I wish I had known then that I know now.