Hi all i am a female with a formal diagnosis of asperspers be that a late one at 40 years old, i have struggled and continued to do so with the N/T perspective of life, having chosen to a cer to accept and prehaps to a degree be conditioned by my depressive needing mother ,and the uk formal education system seeing me as under achieving a path of working in care, often ironically with adults, and more recently with children jobs looking after individuals in a work forum that has a big factor for inclusion based on communication and social skills i have survived, aside serious bouts of depression and anxiety, i believed fairness, balance and equity were values not just for myself but due to my theory of mind would be reflective in others, hey silly me, not my experience and predudice, societies expectation for the triad of empairement that exist with people with Autism to g suddenly not be there once they are a adult has told me that's not true, in the midst of coronavirus in the UK with a partner who is high functioning Autistic yet experiences his Autism in a very different way ( he works in IT and has found acceptance and financial security) i find myself feeling lost, and troubled fpor the hope of two people with the same disability or different way of being if that's better being able to see each others point of view and find a connection, my boyfriend lives with me, is the main wage earner and said today, i've had it with you, you've not wo=rth the effort, hello it takes two to have a relationship and i think our varied financial position isn't the whole issue, please provide perspective for me