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Aspergers & Autism

Love and Acceptance is something i cherish. Always. Now it's a different story. I've had two relationships in my life, one of them being rather intense while the other was more different. My first relationship, i met her online.. Things were going well, and we were both hooked on each other, the...
2 min read
Aspergers & Autism
Not sure what to write. It's very hot here, today, I feel like I'm melting, and there is a fire burning out of control in a town not far from here. I live in the north east, very easterly part of this giant, arid, sparsely populated, country. I was born in the south. In Melbourne. My parents...
5 min read
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Aspergers & Autism
I work a lot with students. The place where I work has a much higher than normal percentage of students with Asperger's. I sometimes think that has benefited me more in my quest to live with the condition than it has helped them. Through many interactions I've been able to see, through them, all...
Special Interests I guess one of the main reasons I have some doubts about having AS is that I don’t seem to have a special interest. I would love to have one actually but I don’t have the attention to stick to any one thing. When I was younger I was really interested in computers, I used to get...
Sarcasm I can often recognise when people are being sarcastic and my main issues are in my inability to respond appropriately to sarcastic comments. However this does not mean that I always recognise it, I can think of a couple of examples of when I got confused. The first is a comment that was...
Empty Head Empty headedness is something that happens to me whenever somebody attempts to engage me in a social conversation. I can get passed the initial “hello” and “how are you” but then it’s like my brain just freezes and there seems to be nothing in my head, absolutely nothing. The...
Pattern Finder I remember counting the stripes on the wallpaper on my walls, but not just counting them, I would see the pattern of three thick stripes followed by one thin stripe and then it would be repeated. It would frustrate me if I got to the end of the wall and it ended in way which...
Asperger Traits that I can relate to. Sensory overload This is something that I have experienced on a few occasions, mostly it’s auditory overload. There has been times when I’ve had to ask somebody “is it loud in here”? Which is confusing because you would think that somebody would know if...
Job Interviews Up until this point most of the job interviews that I’ve had have been very informal probably because they have been low skilled positions but job interviews are something I really struggle with. I’m just not comfortable talking about myself, I hate it. When asked to talk about...
Work Life I decided to leave school at the first chance I got. I was 16 years old and my first job was working in an office, doing basic office type things, I won’t bore you with the details. You might be thinking why I would choose such a job if I don’t like being around people and have...
Do I have Asperger Syndrome? I’ve always been a quiet and shy person, one of my earliest memories is of my mother telling people “Don’t mind him he’s shy”. For the longest time I have just assumed that this was a quirk of my personality. Some people are born with brown hair some with blond...
3 min read
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Aspergers & Autism
I see so many people talk about trying to figure out how to have a normal life. For us, people with Autism, it's the stupid small daily stuff that makes life hard. Keeping a job, interacting with other people, picking out clothes for the day, it's all complicated. I don't have any magical...
Hi everyone, I'm new to blogging, but I really like writing as a hobby. Anyway, this is my first post and so I'm going to talk about my experience getting diagnosed with autism through my university's medical system. If you're college age or nearly so and you're undiagnosed this might be a...
Physically my heart feels as though it’s crying. I’m not though. I got it wrong again. After my last online dating disaster, I had picked myself up and decided to try again. I started talking to someone new. We liked each other, we were making plans to meet etc. During our conversations I...
4 min read
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Aspergers & Autism
I have had romantic relationships since I was 18, I’m 31 now. I finished a long relationship a while ago and had been happily single. I was diagnosed with Aspergers 4 months ago, I’ve been enjoying the liberation it feels to understanding yourself better. I’ve been feeling positive and...
1 min read
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Aspergers & Autism
"Hey I'm sorry about coming off as a creep I don't know why I did that crap and I know you must hate my guts right now. Honestly speaking I'm used to talking to women face to face or thru text because of the fear I'd do some stupid stuff like that. I didn't mean for that to happen either I got...
In case any of the new people I met the last few months wonder why I say some outreagous stuff. I experienced something very messed up to the point I needed counseling for 3 months back in 2015, aka my father's slow transition from one world to the next from lung cancer. I say that it was a slow...
2 min read
Aspergers & Autism
I have learned many lessons while travelling. I don’t want to turn this blog into a sanctimonious, holier-than-thou collection of lectures by someone who thinks they know better then you, because I don’t, so I won’t. But, I just wanted to make a little note of what I have learned about People. I...
2 min read
Aspergers & Autism
Hello! Welcome to my backpacking blog! Blogging about my travels is soemthing i have thought about doing for a while, and now I don’t know where to begin! So I’ll start at the beginning. Just after Christmas last year, I suddenly decided I wanted to travel. Having “lost” my teenage years to...
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