How do you view your personal self internally?
To know your inner self is to know your purpose, your values, your visions, your motivations, your goals and your beliefs. Not as what you have been told by others, but what you have discovered for yourself. Knowing your inner self requires a high level of introspection and self-awareness.
(from above #6 post
@Jonn )
This is a question I think about of so many people when they say a certain belief,
trend, reason is the only truth.
Stop and be truly honest with yourself: "Why do you think that way?"
When put to the test, it isn't because you were born believing a certain way.
Somewhere along your life, someone told you,
This is the truth.
And it becomes so engrained that we will always believe it without question.
This way of thinking can pertain to anything.
Usually, it can be traced back to a parental figure, a community or religious source,
or even peers stating a trend and people feel they must follow so to be accepted by the ones around them.
People fit easily into a herd mentality without questioning.
With so many various beliefs around the world, they cannot all be true, except for the section they try to fit in with.
I've never followed for the sake of following.
Observation, listening and thinking neutrally, without allowing to be led.
No need for validation from culture, religion, community, family, trends.
Good topic of discussion.