I'm on the side of believe it's more fake than it is true.
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There's no need to be sorry, but perhaps you could enlighten us as to what you mean by the expression "reliable evidence" within this specific context. I happen to believe personal testimony if it is provided by someone I know and trust, but this isn't considered to be "scientific", so... an impasse is reached, or the experience that is recounted is simply dismissed out of hand.
That hasn't been my experience with "sceptics". You must be an exception to this rule then.
"Reasoned away" sounds suspiciously like "explained away" (ex. every U.F.O. sighting is either swamp gas or a weather balloon, and every person who has ever had a near-death experience was simply suffering from anoxia).
Reliable evidence includes something that's reproducible and verifiable. Firsthand experience and personal testimony is actually pretty terrible evidence because humans have logs of cognitive biases, often stuff like confirmation bias, and human brains are really crappy at storing data. Like, really bad. Imagine if you bought a hard drive and whenever it recalled your documents, everything was either different, slightly scrambled, completely scrambled, or files just ended up missing. The human brain is kind of like that, except brains don't really recall memories, they reconstruct them, and they can often add in or leave out details to make a story fit. Eyewitness is unreliable from a scientific perspective.
Most sceptics get impatient after hearing the same bad arguments millions of times. There's a point when that happens and all you have the energy to say is "this is obvious ********."
I mean exactly that (explained away). Speaking of NDE's, it's pretty much well accepted by neuroscientists that consciousness is a byproduct of brain chemistry. It's far more likely that the brain is under a lot of stress in that type of situation and weird brain chemistry produces strange and bizarre effects on conscious experience than there's some immaterial realm that's being accessed. For starters, out-of-body experiences can be created in lab settings under controlled conditions. The notion of an immortal soul also doesn't make sense in terms of physics that's well known and tightly constrained, meaning it would cause existing experiments to see different results than what they do. As for UFO's, speaking from an engineering perspective and from a perspective knowing how special relativity works, it's far more likely that UFO's (also note what the U in UFO stands for) are from terrestrial sources that are hard for laypeople to distinctly identify.
No, I don't agree with any of this, because you're basically saying that if something cannot be demonstrated to have occurred, in the manner in which you lay out here, it effectively didn't happen (even though it did). You also don't seem to comprehend the fact that the methodology you hold in such regard here has certain limitations that are required to be taken into consideration in order for it to work the way it does, and which are based upon certain metaphysical presuppositions (ex. materialism, existence of objective reality et cetera), which guarantees that anything that is truly supernatural will not be seen by those who think that science can explain anything and everything (which is the philosophy of logical positivism).
Such open-mindedness. There are bad arguments for all sorts of things that "sceptics" generally accept - for example, the (purely philosophical) notion of the "multiverse", and the (again, purely philosophical) idea that if science can't demonstrate the existence of something then it doesn't exist. I mean, it's one thing to recognise that the scientific method has its proper place in life, but quite another to base one's entire life around it.
I myself have never seen a U.F.O. (and yes, I DO know what the 'U' stands for, thank you very much), but I'm not dismissive of those who claim they have. The same goes for ghosts or anything else that scientists don't currently accept. That's not to say I believe every such story, but I don't just (lazily, in my view) casually dismiss them either. Such claims require the willingness to entertain the possibility that maybe there is more to reality than just what we, with our five senses, can detect. The truth of the matter is that we really don't know all that much about even the material universe we live in, never mind anything else that may, or may not, lie beyond it. Who are we to say that certain things can't be real just because our current understanding of reality does not allow it?
The belief that brain chemistry can account for consciousness is just - I have to say it - bunk.
Just because science assumes materialism doesn't necessarily have to mean that materialism actually is true.
Of course I recognize that certain methods have limitations, and if you think I don't, you've missed the entire point of what I've said.
The multiverse is something that arises from mathematics regarding cosmology, and lots of scientists (myself included) aren't exactly on board with it because it's not testable. Skeptics don't generally accept the multiverse, because of the inability to observe it. Of course, theoretical cosmologists can still explore the mathematical implications of known observations and see what it might uncover.
Also, saying that "if science can't demonstrate it, then it doesn't exist" is a pretty bad misrepresentation of science.
The fact that we have limited knowledge of the material universe is precisely why I'm against considering the possibility of non-material things that can't be tested, especially when it's often the case that something weird with human observation is going on. It's not lazy to understand that eyewitness evidence for weird things is something that can't really be trusted in any rigorous way. There are lots of ideas of what things may be out there, so I only really care about the ones that can be tested. Everything else is a waste of time.
No, it's really not. It's pretty much standard neuroscience. While there's a lot to learn about how the brain works, neuroscientists know enough to understand that consciousness arises from brain interactions. I'm a bit tired since I'm recovering from surgery, but I can go into it in great detail if need be.
Exactly!It ASSUMES materialism, and works from there. However, (and I am not accusing you specifically of this fault, just to be clear) there are many "sceptics" I have met over the years, both online and off, who don't even realise they are making this assumption in the first place when they base their entire way of life upon it being true. Many have even come out and stated words to the effect that they believe materialism to be true because "science has established this fact". That specific claim has so many problems with it that I don't even know where to begin destroying it.
So where does this leave personal experience? If I happened to live in a society where everyone without exception was only able to see various shades of grey, with every other colour being imperceptible to them, and I were to come forward and say, "No, I see red too, and blue, yellow...", they wouldn't even know where to begin to dispute my claim, because they wouldn't even understand it (at first). When they finally got around to comprehending what it was that I was claiming, they would no doubt be extremely sceptical, and probably think I was insane (or lying, deluded...), and yet I would not be wrong to make such a claim.
There is nothing about the chemistry, electricity and a certain arrangement of gooey matter that should allow for the existence of qualia if matter and energy are all that really exist, and yet the underlying assumption that neuroscientists consistently make is that matter is all that matters.
Yes, I understand the argument that our mind, and what it does and what we experience, has been attributed to emergence; i.e. the coming together of two or more phenomena to produce something completely unexpected after combination, but whenever this actually happens in nature it is always something else that is PHYSICAL that results from such a convergence. The mind is, on the other hand, not material (as opposed to the brain), and yet people pretend that a methodology that was only ever meant to explore physical phenomena can deal with it. I don't believe it can.
What I said above. Surgery? Hopefully all went well with it. I've never even been inside a hospital, so I can't imagine what that must be like.
On a fundamental level, I think the fact that experiments like those are even possible to do is incompatible with the possibility of an immaterial soul or immaterial consciousness, regardless of how much we know about how the brain works.
[*]The fact that drugs and alcohol work. If the mind is non-physical, then why would substances that induce certain physical interactions in the brain have any effect on consciousness? If consciousness is truly non-physical, then how could drugs or alcohol have possibly any effect?
[*]The fact that we can chemically force people to be unconscious. How do anesthetics work if the mind is non-physical.
[*]Why does brain injury result in alterations and damaging of consciousness?
[*]Why do transsexuals exist? There's a decent amount of research about how being trans is neurological in origin and that certain pre-natal hormone environments can influence such development. If the mind is non-physical, then how could any pre-natal hormone environment induce such effect and how could it be possible to detect neurological origins of transsexuality? If the mind is non-physical, then under what mechanism would cause transsexuals to exist and if souls exist, what would a "male soul" or "female soul" even mean?
I believe that when you die your energy and essence are released into the Universe. Like a beam of light riding on the waves of infinity. I believe that if you pass and you have a strong attachment to something, someone, or even an idea that part of your essence will linger. The more energy and the stronger the attachment could allow that energy to manifest in the physical world.
I think I may be haunted.