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  • Once again I decided to give up on happiness. When my own stepfather uses his schizophrenia as an excuse to bully me into acting right and boots me out of our hotel room for the day or longer, and even my mother or sister won't take my side or stand up to him in my own defense, there's not much point in even thinking about happy things because whatever happiness I do get won't last long enough to appreciate.
    I think I'm just better off continuing to smoke until it kills me and I stop suffering.
    Is there nothing you can do to get away from him? From everything you say, it sounds like he is the real source of your troubles. And it doesnt sound like he's going to change his ways.
    It's either that or homelessness for him from what I gather, and he's already been homeless for a while and he nearly committed suicide from the stress. A really nasty situation.
    Wake up at 12:20 ish, about to pack up and leave the room. Get to car, stepdad accidentally locked keys inside last night, got them back, suddenly phone makes dingdong sound, Mom got paid (our other check). Another night at same NOICE hotel. I love spontaneous blessings.
    But I really wish my stepdad would CHILL OUT FROM THE COFFEE
    Whoo!! Mom got paid today, I got a sleek new REVVL 7 android phone, and we got a NOICE room at a NOICE hotel, Home2 Suites By Hilton!! Pics in a minute
    Holiday Inn Express called the cops on us to kick us out a few days ago.... And they said we never paid them. I have been down there multiple times while we stayed there to witness my mother doing so. Then when my dad asked the cops if they heard the GM say they refused our payment, they said they heard no such thing and that we were "defrauding an innkeeper". Just another reason to have more hatred for this society!
    Mary Terry
    Did you pay the hotel with cash? But failed to get a receipt from the hotel to prove you had paid?
    What method of payment did your mom use?

    I was very surprised earlier this month when I went to a dermatologist and
    the receptionist said they didn't accept cash. So instead of the transaction
    being completed at that time, it was 3 weeks before their billing department
    which is in another state, sent me a bill, and I went to the CU, got a money
    order, and mailed it to them.
    Hotel computers don't offer much in the way of entertainment but at least I can play Torn City. Made up to $25,000 on that game last night after selling a carton of phosphorus and a spy camera... yeah, that game is nuts. Not real money, of course. But you wouldn't believe the prices people demand for such mundane items on that game; last night somebody at the item market wanted $950 for TWO packs of music CDs!!
    Well, the snow here at the good ol' Holiday Inn Express has gotten up to around 4 inches; nobody's on the road except for a few snow plows. It's so weird. I always knew Wintergeddon would return somehow... I guess the only thing we can do right now is just...


    ...Chill out.
    The snow outside is getting thicker, heavier, white... As you step outside, it isn't just "freezing cold", no. Freezing cold is when you're wearing two coats and three pairs of socks waiting for the bus. This... This is arctic cold. This isn't just snow. This is my prediction of Wintergeddon's return... This is Wintergeddon The second.
    The high here yesterday was 3F.
    I am looking forward to the end of the week when the daytime highs are expected to be near 20.
    WOW! We just averted a crisis!! The manager of the hotel was about to call the police on us and almost gave us an hour to leave because my stepdad fell asleep in the car (he was extremely tired) - with his SHIRT OFF -- and the VP of the hotel company saw him while pulling in, thank God my mother got there because they wanted her ID and the card used to pay the room so they'd let us back in.
    Three guesses as to what kind of attack I had and how bad it was!! I even apologized to the lady, she accepted and warned us not to let that happen again, thankfully. Had to make a beeline for the room, I'm just gonna stay in here and sit like a goose with her eggs.
    On a positive note... It's snowing!!
    Drive through be like

    McDonalds: Will you be using your mobile app today?

    Wendy's: hi how y'all doin

    Taco Bell: CAN I TAKE YO ORDER???

    Bojangles using an A.I.: "I t s b o - t i m e"
    I think the different companies do pretty much have certain phrases that they have their employees memorize.😅
    Just when I thought our lives were over and we were doomed to perpetual poverty.... God swoops in with our biggest blessing yet. Unfortunately I have been told not to say what it is for privacy reasons, but just now that at this moment I am no longer confined to a pallette made from blankets and a tarp on the ground. Thank you Lord!!
    Sending hope and good luck to you.
    I truly, honestly hope that God forgives me for having as much hatred as I do for the human race and society, because throughout how long my folks and I have been enduring this, they have a lot going on too, but I have been through a LOT, and I don't know why they say God never gives more than you can handle, because THIS IS MORE THAN I CAN HANDLE!!
    I have never hated society so much in my life, and I have been ignored and pushed around and even RIDICULED for having no control over my situation!! As much time as I have spent enduring all the cruelty I get from people, I'd like to see how THEY like it!! Humanity wants to be petty?! I'll do it one better and kick it up ten notches!!!!
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    God truly hates people like us. For me these past two weeks proved it. I had it up to here God ruining my mental health.
    Last night I got upset at someone at the gas station who was about to pump a full tank of gas for us with his card, then when he asked why we needed gas and I told him we've been driving all day figuring out a solution, he instead went back and got $3 from his car and only gave us the instead. And now my dad is so sick of my hatred of people that he mentioned they were both about to kick me out of the family.
    I've started journaling again. I have also taken on my own "quest line" of sorts; in the downtown district where I live, there is a pace called The Cotton Exchange, and it happens to be sort of a hub for several historical ghosts that people have commonly seen and encountered in my hometown. Thing is, I have been chatting with some of the locals there; they say they're still there to this day.
    Wow. So much drama happening at the warming shelter tonight; apparently there has been a thief stealing people's phones, clothes and from what I hear, two bikes.... Somehow .. I'm prepared for this though
    Stay safe and stay warm, friend. I hope Aloe is keeping warm and safe, too.

    "Oh, me? I'm fine. Yea, it's a little brisk, but I'm practically made for this kind of weather. Not much A/C in that place, though..."
    I am glad that you and the others at the shelter have a place to go to get out of the weather. I think it's supposed to snow today. I know it is in my part of the state.
    You did well speaking before the camera. I hope you all find some decent housing sooner than later, not just shelter stuff.
    Haha, thanks! Yeah, just those few seconds I had to speak seemed to be enough to make me quite "famous" around here! Even a nice lady from church that came early this morning to do a communion recognized me!
    Well, as anxious and flabbergasted as I am with God, He has answered one of my prayers today. I sat on the grass in front of a church earlier today and prayed to God to guide me somewhere warm to stay and I have ended up at a downtown warming shelter where I live. So I have somewhere to sleep that's not the woods...
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