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Angular Chap

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  • The Sims is 25 years old today. Happy Birthday to one of the greatest games ever made!

    I liked Maxis' software products a whole lot more when they didn't sell out to EA. Their whole operation used to be just a town away from me when I lived in the Diablo Valley part of the Bay Area.

    I loved just making the homes themselves.

    Sims House 2.webp
    Misty Avich
    Misty Avich
    I play the Sims 2 on my laptop
    Thank you Sims, my ND tween just loved Sims. She would tell me that the lady Sims. baked something, the oven caught fire and burned the house down, it was hilarious.
    Yikes, first time receiving one of these government emergency alerts on my phone, it startled me. Stay safe.

    I've been through several cyclones but never received a text like that.
    Angular Chap
    Angular Chap
    Being a bloody yank, I've gotten those all the time. We even get them for Amber and Silver Alerts (endangered child and elderly, respectively).
    Sadly, Elwood Edwards, the voice of the AOL "You've Got Mail!" alert passed away on Tuesday.
    I still have that exact sound file on MP3 format.
    Random Sonic the Hedgehog trivia: 'Robotnik' is Czech for 'worker' I read that in the very first issue of the UK Dreamcast magazine and just confirmed it with Google translate.
    He will always be Dr Robotnik to me, such a cool name. I can't bring myself to call him 'Egg man'. Far too literal.
    Yeah, and it's good that they stuck with his proper name in the Sonic movies. They will transition to just "Egg Man" in the end but it's great that they kept things like that and the little nods to the original games like the spoof megadrive manual in the second movie :)
    Ive never seen the sonic movies, so it's robotnik or egg man ? @MildredHubble
    Had my post diagnosis webinar earlier today. Another great experience, from a clinician with decades of experience with autism. Even more useful information to look into, and share with the community at some point. I just wish everyone else's diagnosis experience was as good as mine has been...
    Yesterdays Blue Super Moon seen from the International Space Station.

    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    A "blue" moon is the second full moon in a month.
    Angular Chap
    Angular Chap
    @Tired The simple boring answer is....tradition! The term was first used in an astronomy magazine in 1946 and has just stuck around as a name for the second full moon in a month.
    I also googled and found this:
    The term blue moon originated from the 16th-century expression “the Moon is blue,” meaning something that was impossible. For two years following the eruption of the Krakatoa volcano in Indonesia in 1883, people around the world reported seeing strangely colored sunsets and a Moon that appeared blue.
    Just received my diagnosis. So it's official, I am indeed autistic. Looks like this part of the journey is over, onward and upward!
    Just had my autism assessment a few hours ago. It went very smoothly. My followup appointment to receive and discuss the diagnosis is on Wednesday. I'll be back in touch then! :)
    I have once again started the process of getting an official autism diagnosis, this time with a private company. I already have an assessment booked in 2 weeks time. The private sector moves at lightning pace compared to the NHS, but that also means less time to think and prepare. I'll be back after my assessment. :)
    So the psychiatry department at my local hospital just told me that due to the mental health crisis/funding, the local NHS health board has stopped doing autism assessments completely, with no time frame on when they will resume. Time to start looking at options for a private assessment.
    Interesting predictions from 1924
    I wish I had that bed when I was 18 and struggling to do simple things like wake myself in the morning for my first college class since I'd moved out. My mom used to wake me in the mornings for HS, but without mom it was hard at first.
    I still have the small lamp from Walmart I bought to hook to a lamp timer. Mom had turned on my bedroom lights in the morning. The timer/lamp was one of my ideas for waking up.
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