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Angular Chap

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  • Looks like I've been here a whole year already! Thanks for having me, it's been great so far! :)
    Misty Avich
    Misty Avich
    That's good. I've been here nearly a year but only started posting in August.
    I know I joked about this the other day, but I really did change the name of this printer to Bob Marley (because it keeps on jamming)

    Bob Marley.png
    Have you tried giving all of it's little pinch rollers a clean? They get a glaze on them and then they don't grip the paper properly.
    Angular Chap
    Angular Chap
    Thanks for the tip. I'll be opening it up at the weekend for some proper fixing. That will be my first port of call with the q-tips and rubbing alcohol.
    Don't use rubbing alcohol, it has oils in it. Use only straight alcohol (metho) or White Spirit, they're the only two that dry leaving no residues AND don't harm the rubber on the rollers.

    Then you'll have to think of a musician famous for never missing a beat. :)
    My GP just called me to say she is referring me for an autism diagnosis! Now we wait...probably for a long time. But at least my GP saw fit to refer me!
    Autism diagnosis appointment with my GP went very well. Filled out 2 assessment forms and I have a follow-up appointment next week. So far so good!
    Well, finally made an appointment with a doctor next week to talk about an official autism diagnosis. It's about time! Next on the list: coming clean to family.
    So happy for you! How are you doing btw? I’ve missed you on here!
    Angular Chap
    Angular Chap
    Doing alright, thanks Luca! :) Just been busy with projects and getting my essay, uhh, "notes" together to give to my doctor!
    Happy pride month to our members all over the rainbow! However you identify, whatever flag you fly, you exist, you are valid, you matter! Much love, respect and solidarity to you all.
    One for the space aficionados: a rare, fairly cloudless view of the of English Channel from the HDEV camera on the International Space Station on it's most recent pass. Isle of Wight covered in cloud though, interesting.

    Happy Burns Night to all my fellow Scots, or anyone else around the world enjoying a Burns supper this evening. Don't let the haggis bite.


    Only joking, haggis really does come from sheep, the wild haggis is just a Scottish meme.
    I've only had haggis once, but I quite like it. Of course in my country we have "Lifrarpylsa" or liver sausage, which is basically haggis without the spices. I used to buy one of those to munch on while wandering the town as a kid.

    A very happy birthday to a super caring and awesome person who has helped me out a lot! Hope it’s a nice day for you over there in Scotland! :)
    Messed up earlier. Made a mistake. Accidentally leaned towards insensitive, instead of the usual sensitivity, solidarity and kindness. Sorry to anyone who thought I was remotely insensitive. Still figuring out good communication, even among internet strangers. Just having a little moment of reflection.

    Much love and respect to you all as always.
    Angular Chap
    Angular Chap
    Thanks for your comments. Just owning up and being open.
    I certainly involve in being blunt (trait of the spectrum often) sometimes regardless of the self and others effect, especially to some topics of concern like relationships with others. The truth is very important to us. Most of the time I notice it, others don't really involve themselves in telling me which is better for me. I get attached to the things and ways I decided to write.
    Angular Chap
    Angular Chap
    Thanks for you insight and understanding. Much appreciated!
    Hello. Cool picture. Please accept these welcome gifts, lol. I can actually relate to the first one, I like greens just as much.

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