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Princess Viola

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  • i love having money and a consistent income now. i hate how i'm still not used to it so i just put off buying stuff i want lol
    The way some older people talk about Lego is so funny to me. They'll complain about how 'everything nowadays is sets that TELL you what to build, back in my day you just got a container of bricks and used your imagination!' even tho Lego's been making sets since the 50s and you can still buy containers of bricks that aren't specifically a set.
    I don't remember hearing that particular complaint.
    Thinking of changing my avatar but also I don't wanna do it today because...like...well look at my current avatar, look at what day it is today. Yeah would feel wrong to do it today.
    we brought in one of my boxes of figures yesterday but, honestly speaking, there wasn't much in the box that i wanted to actually put on display - i just put one of my transformers and my godzilla figure on display. everything else? yeah just put it in a storage tub underneath my bed.
    i could not see my counselor today my appointment was cancelled due to the weather. i did not like this, i didn't. it was rescheduled for 17 january at 9 am. i don't like this. it will have been over two months since i saw my counselor.
    Holidays always screw up appointments with everything.
    i am going 2 be transing my gender. i got referred to an endocrinologist who specialises in gender transitioning. it's happening y'all
    Being sick sucks. Don't get sick.
    Every time I get sick I wipe it from my memory how bad it is and then when I get sick again it's "hello darkness my old friend" 😭
    I came out to my counselor as trans today.
    Well done. That's not easy to do. How are you feeling afterwards?
    Probably a good idea considering counseling is most effective when the patient is open about serious issues, and when the counselor gets to know more of the full story. Good call. Hope you are ok and not in any risk from this?
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