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  • Since I've started dancercise and skipping a meal a day, losing 20 pounds will be easy.
    How's that working, so far? Is that the plan you want to pursue?
    I really don't mean to invade,need a friend I can trust. I feel alone and afraid. Sometimes I flirt,but striving to readjust.
    Need a computer tutor as I'm not savvy. They didn't have computer class when I was in school.
    Do you mean IRL/face to face? Or would the computer discussion area on AC be sufficient?
    I don't learn by reading, but by doing. I must be the only incompetent person here when it comes to computers. I still have to hunt and peck keys and I don't understand the terminology.
    If you are being evaluated for some kind of benefits, due to autism/asperger's, it wouldn't hurt at all if you wrote an evaluation of your experience and mailed it to....whoever is above the person who did the exam. :) A nicely detailed report.
    Thanks, tree, that's a great idea
    I am recommending it, from personal experience. :)
    Good morning, my AC family. I don't have a real family I can call my own so I'm choosing you guys to be my family, if that's ok.
    It was never my intent to harm another and saddened that I am unacceptable at AC because I voiced my opinion to stand up for someone. Sorry!
    I think you are misinterpreting an event.
    MHMR caseworker is coming today and i'm very nervous. I hate being inspected.But, I also know that I need to do this for myself.
    What is a MHMR caseworker, if you don't mind me asking? :)
    Mental health mental rehabilitation
    Whew...I'm glad the 3 day weekend is finally over! God bless all of the countries, not just America. I hope you all have a great day.
    TGIM!! Yes,that's right, lol, I love Mondays. I'm 1 in a million. For me, Mondays are for new hope of a progressive week. Plus, I am alone.
    I have a different outlook on life since I am now retired. Every day is a Saturday that always ends on a Friday night ; )
    Monday's don't bother me...
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