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  • A radio ad for Better Help - narrated by ESPN-NY host Peter Rosenberg - is all about masking and "removing the mask" through therapy. It is not focused on autism.
    Better Help is quite notorious isn't it
    I’m glad u know about the controversy surrounding better help.
    I don't, actually. It was just interesting to me.
    It's ironic that I just wrote about bad memories at a psych hospital, but I'm now considering checking myself in to that exact facility. It was a place that was dually a prison and a refuge.
    The hospitals that I've been to weren't bad places. They don't actually do much, they do make you feel trapped, but they're not the hell holes of the past.
    Thanks for the support that you give simply by reading.
    Cutesie, that makes sense and seems like the right mind set for what a psych hospital can offer in terms of support.
    "Meltdowns" are described all over the Internet as involuntary and uncontrollable. If this is so, I may have used it incorrectly to describe what has been happening to me recently.
    Instead of repeating that I am uneducated about autism and trying to learn through making mistakes here, I should probably actually read up on it. I'm just not in the mindset to not get overwhelmed.
    I find most documentation to be at best ill informed and misunderstanding. I found what I've learned from talking to people in here much more reliable.
    Mistakes can be a great way to learn, especially when they are made in a forgiving and understanding environment. I think a varied approach to learning can be best - get info from every source you can and then come to your own unique understanding of the thing.
    Thanks, people, for sharing your thoughts.

    It's hard to learn about terms and concepts neutrally. Trying to see how I do or don't fit in before properly grasping is an impediment towards proper understanding.
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