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  • Heh that is awesome you are spectcular. Really follow your heart it will lead you to the right path.
    Something similar to that yes. It was a fun class. It was mostly for teachers but I foudn it fun to read young kids books again.
    G'Day there, thanks for the well wishes and video ; ]
    I haven’t been around much, helping a friend in her bookshop after the floods, so much damage all over town.
    Hope you are well and still smiling

    Friendship is magic!
    Great cam + Great Mic + Great friends coming online = Most awesome online experience.
    True. :)

    What's up?
    You don't buy toys? I was way into buying the toys when FiM first became a special interest. I think I have between 40 - 60 pieces in my collection. I really want to put all of them in storage though, because I'm not as into MLP as I was a couple of years ago, and my interests are different now (got back into my old interest in anime). The anime that I'm currently into have a real gothic vibe to them, so it feels weird being surrounded by so many colorful and innocent ponies as I'm watching such dark shows on my monitor. ^^; I kind of want to buy merchandise from my new shows, but I wonder if it will even be worth it since I know that my obsession with them will only last a couple of years (my special interests typically last about 2 years or less, 3 if it's a really intense one)
    Yeah, RD and Applejack are pretty awesome. ^^

    Out of curiosity, when and how did you discover FiM? Do you support any pairings/shippings within the show?
    Hey Geordie!

    Thank you very much! ^_^ I love your Rainbow Dash picture. It's 20% cooler than your other avatars, hehe
    Lol thanks for the compliment Geordie, as for the braids, not sure how long they would last because they don't often last very long on my hair. :P
    It also depends on the hair texture aswell and does require a lot of maintaining (which then I could have been lazy and just cut my hair).
    Hey, Geordie. :)

    Would you be interested in having a video convo with me sometime? I now have a cam (the Logitech C920—Logitech's flagship cam) and have a high-end mic (a ModMic) headed my way and should be here this week. I'm damn excited!

    I've been wanting to cam with you for a long time, but I never see you on Skype anymore. I thought we was dawgz? :(
    I loved the old version. I think that I have trouble with the new way cartoons are done. But the messages I still like. I used to love rainbow brite, Moonbeamers, Gummi bears, all the greats. Yup joy and teaching proper social skills. I know that's one reason my mom used to let me watch a lot of the my little ponies nad carebears. That's what she told me when I got older.

    Have a lovely day of ponies!!!! :)
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