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  • My Grandfather died yesterday at 94. WW2 vet, Master Sergeant and Sherman tank driver. I got his dog tags; now my most treasured posession
    Look on the bright side, at least it's a full 11 months til Christmas
    Lol yeah
    Agree, something to not look forward to but to avoid instead. I'll start planning now. No more Xmas trips for me.
    "Aww, are you K's little secretary?" "No, I'm the guy designing the doc management system that will replace your definition of "pain". Ho"
    who was being referred to there...?
    You mean K? My sorta-boss at work, I share a large cubicle with her and work with her. I just said "K" for brevity and anonymity.
    Woo! I got the ok to build a portcullis in my house. The trick is to ask for a moat and gators and negotiate your way down to a portcullis.
    I noticed today that people often laugh when I'm awkward, as long as I'm smiling while I do it. Apparently it's cute. Not where I was aiming
    Sometimes you really want to have a gooey pie in your hand under those circumstances, to throw. Is that where the saying 'shut your pie hole' comes from? I wonder.
    Every day, I eat a big, juicy burger when I get home from work. The harder the day, the better it tastes. Hard work is the best spice of all
    Lots of flu going around. Doctors say it's the most virulent flu they've ever seen. But you know what else is contagious? Smiles :)
    I have it, it's type A N3N2 have never been this sick in my entire life. It's caused the whites of my eyes to turn mainly red with infective conjunctivitis. Husband has the same, but instead it became pneumonia, he's still in hospital. Three weeks of this hoping that it's soon over.
    I'm sorry to hear that, Mia :( I wish you and your husband the best and I hope you feel better soon!
    Thanks Gritches. Every day is slightly better than the previous one.
    Ugh, I feel sick. Note to self for future breakfasts - cereal: yes/pound of meatloaf: no
    Aww. Take care. <3
    interesting that I can have 3 eggs at breakfast but if I eat cereal it makes me sick
    Feel better soon.
    "There's no use crying over every mistake, you just keep on trying til you run out of cake" -Portal, Still Alive
    If good intentions were worth as much as good results, only wicked men would play the lottery
    My Dad't the greatest. Just hearing "everything's going to be ok" from someone just somehow makes it seem like everything will be.
    Just put me in a wheelchair, and get me to the show, hurry hurry hurry, before I go locoooooo
    I wore my Ramones t-shirt yesterday ;)
    Got to try on a fursuit today to see if I could tolerate the heat. Nope. Suiting dreams dashed, booooo. At least I found out the cheap way
    Well, I'm off to one of those rehab resort places, be back in 4-6 months hopefully no longer an obnoxious drunk. Bye ya'll
    It should probably be a sign when I'm on a first-name basis with the bailiffs at the local courthouse
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