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  • "I came out to my family at Thanksgiving dinner. I said to my mother 'please pass the gravy to a homosexual'. She passed it to my father. A terrible scene followed" (Bob Smith 1958-2018, US comedian).
    I just got out of bed. Please bear with me during this challenging time.
    Just try to keeping forward, even if it's just a little bit at a time.
    We're doing our best.
    Latest book: Cromwellian England.


    • IMG_4553.jpeg
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    Quite an exciting time of intrigue and subterfuge. Cromwell was relatively tolerant for his time.
    “It is generally agreed that the Anglo-Saxon era ended on 14 October 1066, on a Saturday afternoon, about teatime” (Marc Morris, English historian).
    I remember in history class the French tricked the English with a fake retreat, made them chase over a ridge line of some sort and then slaughtered them?
    That sort of thing has happened so often in history. Sneaky buggers.
    Just not cricket! 😂
    “…I am one of those people who has never lost his childlike belief that the next motion picture he sees could be the worst film ever made” (Joe Queenan).
    I've done some regrettable things under the influence of alcohol. By contrast, I have never regretted not having a drink on any given day.
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