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  • If only I had a spine, I could have had a much better life.
    You can have "a spine", though, for lack of a better term. As always I say that the only thing stopping you is you. There's a line I heard recently that I think can apply to something like this, I'll tweak it a little: "The best time to have a spine was many years ago. The second best time is right now". There's gotta be a better phrasing than "have a spine" though. But you get the idea.
    Depression is a vicious beast. Regret is a vicious beast. I regret shutting down my film criticism website twelve years ago. It could have taken me somewhere by now if I had stuck with it.
    I have a ton of congestion in my chest today. I feel like I am coughing up chunks of my lung.
    I hope I did not catch pneumonia again. I already had it twice in this lifetime, I do not want it again.
    There currently is no display on my Asus ROG laptop monitor. That is annoying.
    Did the backlight go out, or is the whole display dead?
    Try plugging an external screen in, like a TV, and see if that works. This will tell you if it's the screen that died or the graphics card. Oh how I hate laptops.
    If there is no display at boot then there has likely been a failure. If there is but it cuts out once windows has loaded you may have had a bad driver update or there is an error in the screen settings. @Outdated 's suggestion of an external monitor is a method I use on my laptop, makes things easier to see!
    Should I invest in healthy groceries, or vinyl records and Top Ramen?
    A little bit of veggies for ramen soup, ramen, and one 180-gram pressing of an absolutely perfect album.
    Then cook a healthier take on ramen and enjoy your record.
    vinyl records sounds compelling
    I hate it when my bus downtown is just late enough for me to see my connecting bus drive right off when I reach my stop. And that driver does not even care about how always late he is.
    And people are walking up to me to beg for change even when I have my headphones on - it should be known that when somebody has headphones on when riding Transit, it means “Do not disturb.” People are stupid.
    Looking forward to tomorrow, when I will pick up some discounted Valentine's candy and fill up my candy dish at home for my guests. I am so domesticated that my house even has its own candy dish.
    My aunt had a candy dish, one of those old fashioned looking clear cut glass ones.
    And it had rocks in it. Nobody was fooled and she wasn't trying to trick anybody.
    She and uncle just liked collecting interesting rocks.
    Maybe I can go in the inner city and buy some crack rocks and put those in my candy dish to offer to the next policeman who comes to my doorstep. Nah, I think I'll stick with mini Snickers bars instead.
    I need a master bear with a bullwhip some days. Not for any kinky reasons. Just to keep me motivated on building myself up. Heh.
    My soul seeks rest from the replaying tapes my brain loves to revisit. If only hitting eject was that simple.
    Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
    Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
    The weekend will begin for me very soon. Hopefully I will be able to publish some of my reviews on a WordPress this weekend and have that running. Tonight is movie night for me, and I plan on having a blast. Black Keurig coffee will be my friend tonight. I am thinking of watching To Leslie tonight, which looks like it will be heavy viewing.
    My evening of playing ESO came to a screeching halt when the Internet went down in my neighborhood just now.
    I want to play ESO but don’t want to play with other people, is that possible to play Solo?
    There will always be other people on the servers, but there is countless hours of content that can be completed solo.
    May get them at the weekend then, probably on PS5. do you recommend getting the High Isle collection?
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