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  • I don’t see the appeal of TikTok.. signed up for an acc to do oc challenges.. prob will delete one I’m done with them
    I deleted it lol I don’t really see a use for the app
    What is an "oc challenge?"
    trying not to develop an Olivia Rodrigo hyperfixation. She’s one of the few modern day artists that I can tolerate (her songs are extremely catchy to me although I’m out of the demographic for her songs, mostly preteens and teenagers)
    Mr. Stevens
    Funny, I was giving her stuff a try yesterday :) It didn't do as much for me, though.
    Has anyone heard of the YouTube channel the mcfive circus? It’s a deep dive into child safety/exploitation in my opinion
    The middle child, Isabelle is referred to as “it” by her family which is viewed as offensive. She’s also forced to speak like a toddler despite past videos showing her speaking like a ten year old should.
    Jake Doolittle on YouTube made an informative video on the channel. Unfortunately a channel called Anna Oop plagiarized his video and he made a reaction video to the plagiarized content.
    Idk where the rest of my art supplies went (my brush pens, my water brush, my mechanical pencils, my kneaded erasers, my white gel pens). I’m hoping I don’t have to buy these all over again.
    When I moved almost 5 years ago, I was finding surprises in boxes for a very long time!
    I hope you can find them; unpacking is tricky. I moved recently & am still trying to find things.
    Moving is horrible. I have to move in 5-6 months depending on kitchen floor repair and what's available near the beach. Excited about being closer to the ocean. Do you like your new place?
    tumblr just recommended me your account out of nowhere lol, small world
    howww exactly lol?
    just showed me your name on the sidebar, i guess i interacted with south park accounts in the past (never seen it) cause they were also fans of things i post about
    M3 iPad pros coming spring/summer 2024.. 11inch 512 GB is $899. Should I save for that or just go with my initial plan of a m1 11 inch iPad Pro 512gb?
    Seems like a long time to wait. I thought you were more eager to get something now.

    Waiting can be a good thing, though.
    Decided on 11 inch ipad 512gb over 12.9inch 512gb as my financial situation can’t afford that.
    Always wise to make a good decision that will let you save money as well as keep going. Decent work!
    The things that make me uncomfortable ranked from least uncomfortable to most uncomfortable..
    heavy blood, cuts, nooses or ropes with suicidal ideation, vent art in general.., this picture of a laundry hamper with groceries in it I have to stare at everyday at work until it gets removed..
    Now I'm wondering just how cursed this picture of a laundry hamper must be to place above blood and nooses.
    Is it considered sexual assault if an older guy (60’s-70’s) makes suggestive comments to a 19 year old adult and hugs them without their consent?
    I’m going to let my CS manager know. If it gets severe, it’ll be escalated to the managers of the store. This happened before a few months ago with a coworker that was displaying unethical behavior and then blaming it on their ethnicity. They were let go and haven’t been back.
    This happened to my co-worker, this guy just walked up and did front on huge hug, she was flabbergasted
    um, the guy sounds like a creep.
    A smile is one thing, but physical contact on a girl you don't know...
    I don’t want to go by the name Erika anymore... I’ve been considering Freya/frey but want to know what other names would suit me.
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    Freya is a wonderful name if you do end up going with it.
    "Freya" means "lady" in Norse, as in the companion to "frey" or "lord". So a noblewoman in Norway would be addressed as Freya.
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