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  • My mom's mouth has been sore for a while. I hope it's not oral cancer or anything worse :(
    Sorry to hear that. She should see somebody but until you know what it is try not to worry too much, it could be many things.
    My mom made me feel small because I forgot to weigh myself and did so after exercise. If life wasn't awful enough...
    Sorry to hear that.
    Skipping one day's weight check is no big deal. Your mom sounds like she's being a drama queen. Besides, losing weight is 90% diet anyway. Exercise burns little fat, something the "gym" industry doesn't want known.
    O my gosh- Having her micromanage your weight loss could be stressful to
    u. Can you manage it without her input?
    Got a job offer sewing masks, but turned it down because it requires me to be out and about. I'd rather wait at this point, TBH
    Understand that. I am actually trying for a job that decreases out and about now. Companion aide - where you help an older person with day to day things - though l am getting up in age myself but l do like helping people careers.
    I can't take it anymore, the thought of having difficulty breathing is scaring me!
    Yeah, people who have survived the virus say that it is really really scary and they were sure they would die. Just keep your hands and face clean and stay in as much as possible.
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