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  • Rocco!!!! I just saw the link you sent me to the video of the song Gabrielle!!!! :D
    Thank you so much for sending it to me!!! you made my day lol
    It is a beautiful song :)
    My wife and a lot of my friends love that picture you out on my page. Do you sell your art?
    Sorry, of course I loved it too.
    I do, almost everything in my gallery is for sale, unless otherwise noted.
    That is an 8x10" canvas, shipping around $8.00.
    Name your price and it is yours
    You just made my alert bar get a real good workout! :)
    Hope that's ok :)
    Was it a barrage of likes?
    Sure. I don't mind getting alerts. The more the better :) Mostly likes, yes. I'm sure your alert bar is very active.
    hI Rocco ! how are you ?
    Im ...doing so so XD thanks for asking ! hows stuff on the site lately ?
    It's great around here. Members are so helpful and supportive. This is my refuge.
    Yeah you´re right, people are so awsome here, this forum should recive an award for being one of the niciest places of the net XD
    OMG Rocco, THANK YOU! That was SO NICE of you. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!! You rock! Maybe that is why you are Rocco. :) You have absolutely made my day so special. TRULY. Thank you!! xxx
    You are most welcome, and a most awesome member of this community.
    Hiya, thanks for the cheerful greeting. Hope all is good in Rocco land and that your paintings get recognition. I saw That one of your works was used to raise awareness and understanding of spectrum stuff, good on ya!
    Rocco, you are such a positive & uplifting person. Always checking in, brightening other people's day! I am sure your commentary would be much appreciated, & most definitely by me. I still plan to buy some art too. I just love every piece so it's very hard to make a decision!
    Happy Memorial Day Weekend. Here is to remembering all the heros in our lives and history. Cheers
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