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  • Moon Madness can be very annoying. It would be so much easier if I could just completely turn into a wolf and howl on the hilltop.
    The first day of spring-like weather & I have my first cold of the season. :/ But its not a bad one. Just blahinating.
    They gave you fish? I didn't get any fish. Did they use to give members fish? Maybe its an oversight and I am supposed to get fish.
    Is this the queue for fish and chips?
    Chips too?! They must be cutting out some of the welcome ammenities as a cost cutting measure. Man, I always get there after the good deal. :(
    Tia Maria
    Are we supposed to be sending you cash tips for these funnies?! Heehee! You must have comedic special powers! :D :)
    They say having a dog adds two years to your life. But what about Cats? I mean those 9 lives have to come from somewhere...
    "Total: 76 (members: 26, guests: 36, robots: 14)" I didn't realize robots could have Aspergers. Was it programmed into them?
    There are three ways to get what you want: Beg, Work, Steal.
    Sex? One might define it as work under several circumstances, but I personally wouldn't ;)
    I have always had a strange fear/obsession about the Muffin Man.
    Me about the Michelin Man :P
    Who thinks up these grotesque characters? :/
    I just hope that the virus that overwhelmed that world, Ingemisco querentes W-P does not spread here too..
    ? I'm curious, what is that?
    Its Latin for 'Whining, Complaining'
    I think one of the reasons AC discourages people from identifying themselves as "from WP" is for that reason. If you think it's happening here, use the comment link and report it for the moderator's attention. That's what they're for.
    Global Warming Cure # 2 - Apply sunscreen to your house and everything in your yard.
    The Penguin
    The Penguin
    You might need to create a thread for this when your done your list :)
    Global Warming Cure # 1 - Everybody make ice cubes non-stop and throw them outside.
    The Penguin
    The Penguin
    Penguins have lots of ice :)
    But it creates more heat to make the ice cubes then they will absorb as they melt......
    I think those diabolical infusions you make of everything in the bathroom cabinet may be a cure for Writers Block. I mean who knows?
    NO, even better. I will invent non-intrusive Brain Surgery. Strap patient to centifuge and spin until something changes.
    Thinking of hanging my shingle out as a Handyman/Brain Surgeon. Will pass tuition savings along to patients and beat out competition.
    Need to set up Doctor's Appointment. Having sharp abdominal pains.
    So if I wear a whole Happy Meal amulet I should be really really safe.
    Better wear a Burger King crown also. In case they're in on this voo-doo thing.
    A King as well as a Doctor of Voodoo! Not bad for $19.99 plus shipping and the cost of a Happy Meal.
    Abandoning my studies in Blinkology. Found online Doctorate Degree in Voodoo for $19.00 plus shipping. Excited.
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