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Tony Ramirez

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  • The f word is the worst word in human history.
    I am not sure but I heard that swearing in america is different from swearing for example in germany. here these words are normal words and people use them in daily routine and noone cares. and I never saw a german forum where swearing was forbidden.

    is this a historical thing?
    @Shaddock I love etymology & the history of vulgarity. In America we have a bit of a hangup about our profanity from Victorian Britain. Etiquette concerns took a lot of profanity out of general circulation.
    I don't mind having less of it, but at the same time, it is much easier not to be upset by it.
    The full situation is much more interesting & complicated but I don't want to hijack Ramirez's profile.
    No matter what new life groups I join I only encounter couples, single guys and girls that ignore me with only single guys wanting to hang.
    Is your current avatar (the picture of the two cats) some cats that you know? Are they your cats, or what?
    I walked to Prospect Park which was brutal just to be surrounded with two girls I know single by choice and plenty of couples with kids.
    Hanging with couples is like flies buzzing around my head or cars that turn during walk crosswalks.
    Once the honeymoon period of a relationship is over - most people are just as miserable as everyone else. And dating someone can double the things you worry about too.
    @Tony Ramirez What about when you are in a group of all single people? Or with just one person?
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    The only group of singles are all guys which irrelevant as I joined an Coed groups.
    All that greeted me yesterday at Church was couples again. Topical
    Well then be happy for the love they found. Because you know that it's so hard to find, and so rare. Paul said that there is no shame in singleness. If what you're looking for is a Christian woman, then maybe by being a friend to everyone, the single women at church will notice you.
    Lifegroup yesterday was a waste of time and energy walking. There were couples rubbing in my face their happiness and the rest guys no girls
    So as church brothers and sisters. Not a dating encounter.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Yet people including the one that leads the group meet there spouse at that Church. Yet all I meet or talk to me are couples and single guys.
    It may happen that some people meet and are a match. At this point in your life, that has not happened.
    Tired of only girls who are married or I already know the only ones who talk to me.
    Seems like, in general, you don't enjoy people much.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I don't hate people I am just tired of the same type of people only talking too me.
    You're the same kind of you, all the time, though. So why should you expect anything to be different?
    I'm only a humble Aspie, I have been close to suicide, life has felt painful, I'm 54 now, and realising that life is finally getting better. I hope my posts can help you. God exists whether we believe or not, I am not religious, God is still there, my faith keeps me going.
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