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  • That sounds like a great job Can I join you
    Well, if you want to move to America and work part-time hours for less than a living wage and no benefits and have to deal with annoying customers...come on over! ;)
    What is this "work" thing and why can't I get paid to just sit on my arse and browse the 'Net? :/ Later, y'all.
    Lol, Penguin. And see how I'm procrastinating at work? Teehee!
    The Penguin
    The Penguin
    As for me, I was slacking at my part time job. I used my cell phone, took many breaks I was not suppose to take. However, for me running my business is a challenge but I love it. I hope you find some work that you enjoy for the future.
    Warwick C
    Warwick C
    I was referring to your idea sitting and browse the internet.

    It sucks that they want to pay you as little as possible.
    Full of love and not sure how to express it or where.
    It's yours to enjoy, maybe. It is a beautiful thing also, to express. I'm happy for you. :)
    Should give the puppy a bear hug, hehe :P
    If only I were capable of loving myself. But y'all? You're wonderful. :)
    Your song made my day. Thank you. It was/is a 'ghosty' sort of day, and the thought and gift of music gave me some form. Sending much affection your way.
    Far too emotionally distant of late to connect with anyone on a personal level, at least anyone new. I still love you all, though. :)
    sugarsingh has breached the AC security this morning with an advertisement for his "escort " service
    I marked it as spam. Thanks.
    Yeah, I saw that and reported it.
    I want to start a new thread about who might have autism combined with a traumatic brain injury and can't figure out how...help me Mr Wizard!
    You should just be able to go to the forum in which you want to start the thread, and in the upper right there's a button that says "Post New Thread." If you still have issues, let me know. :)
    I got it!...Thank you very much
    Have a question how can empty your inbox or delete stuff like on the old system?
    I...have no idea, actually. Currently it doesn't seem like you can...probably because (as best I can tell) conversations now work a bit differently; it's more like chat than a traditional email system.
    You'll be fine. I think you're great and can play fair. Thank you looking at my photos of my dolls. I am glad you like them.
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