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  • For the first time in 5 years I have a car again. I feel like I have my life back again.
    I thought living in a city I'd be alright but no car means being trapped in the city. Now I can get out and about more and spend less time online.
    I guess I should show the picture here too. It's a 12 year old Skoda, perfect for me by myself. The back seats lift out so there's plenty of space in the back and it's really cheap on fuel.

    Had to get to the shops before more rain came. The smell of the pies got me. Nothing beats a nice hot curry pie on a cold frosty morning.
    I just became involved with a study project intended to look into the genetics of neurodiversity. At the moment it's just getting off the ground, developing terms of reference, looking at ethical issues, applying for grants, etc. It's going to be an interesting process. I hope one day we can get an accurate diagnosis from a simple cheek swab instead of relying on fumbling psychiatrists.
    It's Christmas here already. Merry Christmas everyone.
    We don't have polar bears, and the north pole doesn't have penguins. A friend of mine learnt the hard way that just because an animal is not afraid of you that doesn't mean it's tame, he tried to pat a fairy penguin. Those beaks are incredibly sharp and they can move unbelievably fast, it peeled two strips of skin off the back of his hand. :)
    Sounds like a movie. "Attack of the killer penguins". Next on Fox....
    ~Merry Christmas to all of you
    When do you sleep in Adelaide?
    I'm at GMT+9:30, so 4.5 hours ahead of you. As I write this it's 5:30 pm in Pakistan and 10:00 pm here. My sleep patterns are a bit mucked up and I sleep all sorts of odd hours though.
    You sleep at around 7-8pm here, so you sleep at 1-2am there, same but I sleep less one day and sleep more, I sleep at ~2am on the sleep less day, and 11pm on the sleep more day, which causes me to sleep more heavily and have a lot of dreams
    Nice to see ya around, mate. Like a ray of sunshine.
    @Outdated , I think you don't have those feelings or didn't get what I meant like, see this image:

    ignoring the modren Github theme, the code still evokes a feeling in me and makes wave around my hands, do you do that or with other things? I love C syntax, it evokes that feeling.
    ^^ a simple counter. :) You're right, the code doesn't really evoke any emotion in me. I enjoy the way the rest of the world disappears and becomes irrelevant when I'm concentrating on code though.
    @Outdated , so you see stuff more differently, more normally , I just like seeing the brackets and all the symbols, even if it just a simple counter. You don't wave around your hands on anything, it's like stimming.
    I must thank you, Outdated, for something you posted about writing a memoir. You said it was very therapeutic. I started writing down my experiences and it has helped release a lot of emotions, especially those I don't get to express with NTs. Thank you :) Your contributions are always informative, interesting, and/or entertaining. I'd happily buy you a beer if we lived closer.
    And thank you for your kind comments, I think you'd be someone I'd be very happy to have a beer with. It won't work for everyone but I managed to exorcise a lot of old ghosts by writing about them.
    P.S. Your profile pic reminds me of a character from the Terry Pratchet novels, a monk called Lu Tze. "Beware of little old men that smile all the time.". :)
    I've been a very good boy for the last couple of weeks, at least as far as diet is concerned, so today I'm going to reward myself. A hamburger with the lot, and chips and gravy. Now that I've thought of it I'm really looking forward to it, but it's only 6:30 in the morning so I'm going to have to wait a while. They don't open til 11:00.
    I logged out and was about to go and get my special burger, and then I realised that I'm just not that hungry. Maybe later.
    What an interesting turn of events! Go with your gut, mate and you can’t go wrong. Maybe later.
    That's just life all over isn't it. She's a funny world sometimes. :)

    And I agree, always go with the gut, it's never wrong.

    Just because mine's a bit bigger than some people's, well....

    Probably better instincts I reckon. :)
    I’m pleased with myself.

    I’m sorry if I bore the pants off of you but I have no one else to tell it to. It’s nice to feel you’ve kicked a few goals. To discuss any of the topics here would be entirely inappropriate but I’ve been pushing a fairly complex socio-political agenda in my country for quite a few years now.
    I'm so happy to hear this. From what I can see overall, it looks like Australia is on a better path now. I'm glad people are listening to you. Let this be a lesson to other people who think their voices won't matter!
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    Many people valorate actions based on results and not in the actions themselves. So to me, that you wrote them while unsure of the usefullnes of your efford is the action to be proud of. Its good that they are reading your words, but that doesnt depend on you. I feel proud that you tried and did your best.

    Congratulations and hugs.
    Opposite of boring. Personal news about a great accomplishment and a view of what real social change looks like. Slow and steady, sometimes quiet. This is great.
    Time for some bush dentistry.

    I'm glad that it's helping, I've been there many times. Getting to see a dentist here is very difficult, usually by the time you can get an appointment the pain has all gone away by itself.
    Better to just take matters into our own hands.
    My mum's family lived in the bush, no doctors or hospitals. They had simple cures like that for almost everything except cancer.
    Bummer! My recliner just broke, the footrest release cable snapped. That's going to be annoying til I fix it.
    Noooooo! Curses.
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    Hope you are able to fix it soon!
    Yeah. I worry about my dual recliner failing in some way. With issues which may be beyond my ability to fix.
    So I went on the What 3 Words website and looked up Pubs.Pubs.Pubs.

    Came up with somewhere in the outback. I then looked up one of the local towns and came across some photos from '96 and they're wonderful:

    Yuendumu and Nyirripi, 1996
    You don't really get to see a lot as a tourist and often end up with bad impressions of people through cultural misunderstandings, to learn about a people you really need to live with them for a while. There's some truly wonderful people out there.
    We also have a very famous pub that never existed, immortalised in cartoons to the point that eventually someone built a replica.
    The Ettamogah Pub by Ken Maynard:


    I just bought an ounce of weed - legally. :) I finally got my prescription, he prescribed 2 different kinds, one for day time and one for nights. Weird. I just tried the day time one and I feel very mellow. It comes from Canada.
    Daytime weed and nighttime weed now? Wow. Missed the opportunity to sell in a two pack: Blaze AM and Haze PM.
    I finally got off my backside and started doing stuff. I'm resealing my windows with sponge rubber tape. Even when they were "shut tight" if a breeze blew then the curtains and blinds would waft back and forth. I should save a bit of money on power this winter.
    Did you pass your inspection last week?
    Of course. It's a tiny little unit, you can do a thorough clean in just a few hours. It's funny how I feel more motivated now that I've got weed again, it does the exact opposite to most people.
    I was like you - hugely motivating to me.
    I bought some weed. I'm still waiting for the process of getting a prescription to go through but in the meantime I bought some weed again. I have my hyperfocus back. I have my interest in life back. And I have good fulfilling dreamless sleep back.
    I normally let myself dry out every few years anyway, 6 or 8 weeks without, that never hurts anyone. Also your body builds up a tolerance over time and the weed doesn't do anything any more. Back on the weed again for the first time in 6 weeks and for the first time in about a year I completed a war game I started. And I want to get outside and do stuff.
    You're a wargamer?! Oh man you have no idea how hard it is to find opponents nowadays :) I mostly use generic systems, though.
    I never play online though, too many trolls deliberately upsetting me. I loved it back when Age of Empires was the latest game out, instead of connecting to the net I used to direct connect to my mates through the phone line. A wonderful era that I wish still existed.
    My body knows how to look after itself. Yesterday afternoon I was really hungry and ate a ridiculous amount of food. Immediately afterwards I was so exhausted I went to bed. An hour later I woke up and was really thirsty, more than a litre of water to settle the thirst.
    Feeling burnt out and flat today. Done in by going to a crowded shopping centre during school holidays.
    Late in the afternoon I checked my mail, not something I do very often. Discovered a letter from the landlord, routine yearly inspection tomorrow. Oops, maybe I should check my mail more often.
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