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The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome

The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome 2014-02-10

Reviews 4.80 star(s) 10 reviews

First book I read after self diagnosing aged 48 and awaiting formal diagnosis.
First off, the book was a lot more about childhood/children that I expected/hoped, but then that also helped me make sense of my past. So perhaps not what I thought I needed, but actually very useful.
Some of the book is a bit repetitive, and suffers a bit from edits/re-writes without someone from the publisher reading start to finish to pick up where there's a couple of sections rewritten with same examples, just fractionally different words.

I'm glad I've read, some things were amazing 'nuggets', some bits just plain didn't resonate or seem to apply, and I was left lacking in terms of advice/guidance for me as an adult. Lots of examples of the exercises and needs of children, but as with what seems to be the case in general, this book didn't really give a lot of tips for an adult to pick up and use.
Professionally written by a professional in the field is a big plus as so many resources "book" are not.
The primary focus is on children to teens to perhaps early life "aspies". A lot can be confirmed as far as anecdotes and shared experiences but not actionable in a past (been there) context in some respects
Within this focus, a very good book, but as far as constructive actionable focus on mid or later life adults, not so IMHO.
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