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Thinking in Pictures, Expanded Edition: My Life with Autism

Thinking in Pictures, Expanded Edition: My Life with Autism 2014-02-09

Reviews 5.00 star(s) 3 reviews

The extraordinary and legendary Temple Grandin requires no introduction, and this tell-all biography does not disappoint, sharing with us her life and how she sees and interacts with the world.
Good mix of biography and information, giving a bit of the history of autism research, some issues that affected her particularly such as anxiety, visual thinking, and sensory sensitivities, which are not always focused on by outsiders preoccupied with social impairments. Good advice/info on how psychotropic medications affect those on the spectrum and which ones would benefit which people at what dose. A very detailed, informative, thorough guide.
Very insightful book - Sheds positive light on autism; all the "whys" behind routines, behavior, thought processes, etc. explained by Temple Grandin, one of most well-known women on the spectrum. Highly recommend. :)
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