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  1. christianmother27

    Is this a "me" thing, or an ASD thing?

    The empathy thing... Sometimes I am really way overly empathetic: example watching Law & Order: SVU and they have a child molestation episode I have been in tears by the end. Yet like today my son fell down the steps and started crying and I laughed >_> I mean I comforted him too but for...
  2. christianmother27

    Who Else Hates Traveling?

    It stress me out when we go places, though I try not to say anything. I have four kids and I can usually plan enough time to have myself and the four of them ready to go in time (barring the unexpected last minute trips to the potty >_>) but my husband, bless his heart, seems to take forever to...
  3. christianmother27

    Is this a "me" thing, or an ASD thing?

    We had some kind of program in school where you had to read a little flap book (it was like four pages, 2 of which was the reading) and then you had to answer some questions on the reading at the end. I completely finished it all if not the first one of the first... and there was a BUNCH of...
  4. christianmother27

    A few points about Aspergers I don't understand...

    So far helpful :) Ok I thought of a couple more. 1. Learning styles. I read somewhere that Aspies memorize but don't really apply whereas a gifted individual can apply the information they learn. I have always passed tests in school by memorizing the facts and then promptly forgetting the...
  5. christianmother27

    Intrusive Thoughts?

    I have mental flashes where I cut my finger on a can lid bad (happened several months ago) and also where I cut my ankle with a razor (hasn't happened in YEARS). The images are very real (I can almost feel the associated pain), and it's very hard to block out the images. I usually have to...
  6. christianmother27

    Aspies and Sarcasm

    I carry on a lot of sarcastic online conversations where hearing tone is of course impossible. When I am sarcastic I usually say it in a completely normal tone of voice too and my husband usually is the only one to pick up on my sarcasm. Most other people completely miss it. I find that...
  7. christianmother27

    Do you have trouble getting over stuff?

    I do, though I always just thought it was "holding grudges" so to speak. Like... when I was a teenager my dad had told us he quit smoking, and I was so proud of him. Now we would find my parents locked in their room and could smell smoke coming from the room so we just KNEW it was my mom...
  8. christianmother27

    Who Else Hates Traveling?

    I enjoy well-prepared road trips (read: pillows, blankets, munchies, drinks, entertainment, me NOT driving). I don't care for the destination generally, the exception being when I was visiting my husband before we got married and he lived in another state. I remember it being fun when I was...
  9. christianmother27

    Fun topic, the awkward moment when...

    In jobs past for whatever reason, my managers/bosses, think it's cool to pop their hands on my shoulder while I'm working (was a programmer). You know the whole "attaboy" sorta thing but I'm a girl. The only thing I could think was "get your hand off me!" even though I never said anything. I...
  10. christianmother27

    A few points about Aspergers I don't understand...

    Before I begin, since I'm new, I just wanted to preface with that I am not professionally diagnosed and have simply been seeking answers as to whether this may fit me or not. Also I'd like to add that I was diagnosed as gifted when I was younger (the relevance to that being the similarities...
  11. christianmother27

    What are your sensory issues?

    I can't stand sticking to anything- car seats, couches, chairs, so any kind of leather or plastic material irritates me insofaras furniture is concerned. I don't like the way water feels on me AFTER I get out of the bath. I can't stand the feeling of turtlenecks or eyeglasses (they touch my...
  12. christianmother27

    Does Aspergers make YOU lazy?

    Generally I've been the opposite of lazy - I would be the one doing everything. But I have my moments. Like lately. First, I can't stand walking around my house. My carpets are in VERY BAD need of steam cleaning thanks to two toddlers emptying a bottle of ketchup on the floor, and spilling...
  13. christianmother27

    Is this a "me" thing, or an ASD thing?

    A lot. Anytime I think I've messed up and people are whispering such that I can't hear I wonder. I also feel paranoid when people are texting and I can't see or are talking on the phone and go outside (for a quieter environment not for privacy). I used to do that too!!! I also feel a need...
  14. christianmother27

    Is this a "me" thing, or an ASD thing?

    I do. Right now the only cereal I want is Special K. It just tastes awesome now. Before that it was honey bunches of oats and at one point it was cracklin oat bran. I would eat box after box for months, then get tired and swap to something else. Other things too. Like sometimes I'm on a...
  15. christianmother27

    Is this a "me" thing, or an ASD thing?

    I felt almost nothing at the death of my grandfather and my great-grandmother (I was actually close to my great-grandma and used to go to her house and feed wild cats whenever we visited at Christmases and Thanksgivings!). I felt somewhat sad only when I saw my mom and grandma crying. When my...
  16. christianmother27

    Hello, new here

    Hi, I'm new here, and not officially diagnosed. I came across the definition of Aspergers accidentally when I was doing research into one of my behaviors which I learned was called stimming (I was opening and closing my hands repeatedly when I was stressed out). As I started researching it...
  17. christianmother27

    Are those with Autism more likely to be atheists?

    I'd like to preface by saying I have not gotten an official Aspie diagnosis, only a self-suspicion at this juncture. That being said, I have been a Christian since I was around 12. My family was "Baptist" in a very loose sense of the word. Both my parents claimed they were "overchurched" as...
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