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  1. A

    HELP! He doesn't eat anything anymore!

    Thanks for your reply, Josh talks, quite a lot actually now. He doesn't have a problem letting us know what he wants and doesn't want. Usually if something he doesn't like is presented he just ''panics'' and starts screaming, head banging... He will ask for what he wants and just repeat it...
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    HELP! He doesn't eat anything anymore!

    Thanks so much for all your replies!! It's very much appreciated. I will continue trying different things with him xxx
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    HELP! He doesn't eat anything anymore!

    My Aspie 3 years old doesn't like anything he used to anymore. It has become a HUGE challenge to get food into him. He used to like a few things, like eggs, sandwiches, mushroom sauce pasta... Now, he only likes: pickles, goldfish crackers, baguette bread with garlic butter, tzatziki sauce on...
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    He had his diagnosis (sorta!)

    So after speaking with his pediatrician which told me I had nothing to worry about (despite my son showing strong symptoms of aspergers) I decided to book an appointment with the clinic near us. The doctor saw him today and it went really well. Obviously they cannot make a diagnosis in one...
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    ''Panicking'' with strangers

    Thanks for your reply! We have been socializing him ever since he was a baby... We take him everywhere, he's already flown around the world 3 times! He wasn't as scared as he is now, even quite ''happy'' with strangers talking to him, he would smile back up until about 13 month... He's...
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    Mommy to an Aspie boy!

    Thanks so much. I really like your point of view. I think you are right because we have been doing time outs when my sons behavior was not ''appropriate'' (we do our best to try and understand him and accommodate him in certain situations based upon his level of understanding) like for ex: if he...
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    Social Skills?

    In my opinion, social skills are not only communication skills. Communication skills are a part of social skills for sure, but they are not what make someone socially successful or not. I think social skills are your ability to form and maintain a certain relationship with others, as well as...
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    ''Panicking'' with strangers

    Hey everyone! So my son is nearly 3 and has always been quite ''sensitive'' when strangers would look or talk to him. It's 100 times worse when they touch him. We've been taking him to a playgroup twice a week and he is doing quite good at interacting with others. However as soon as...
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    Your obsessions when you were a child? (Or your child's obsessions?)

    My son (Josh) is nearly 3 and he is obsessed with cars. Especially their wheels. Also, he has a new found obsession for scrabble (the game) !! He loves letters... He can spend hours sitting in the living room ''playing'' scrabble. He puts the letters of the alphabet in order, or put letters to...
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    Difficulties you had as a kid that might be due to your ASD

    I speak on behalf of my son, he struggles with making friends and he is quite naive. He is still a bit young, but if I compare him to kids his age (3years old) the other kids will be able to interact with one another... Something my son doesn't understand how to.
  11. A

    JBMV Thankyou. I like this site too! It's so nice to talk to people who understand. Hope to get...

    JBMV Thankyou. I like this site too! It's so nice to talk to people who understand. Hope to get to know you more! xx
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    Mommy to an Aspie boy!

    Ajoycew Thanks for giving out so many examples and letting me know so much information. This helps, and hopefully will help a lot throughout my son's childhood. So far we haven't really had to deal with ''bigger challenges'' other than the violent meltdowns and tantrums and dealing with...
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    Mommy to an Aspie boy!

    Thanks so much for taking the time to reply! It is very much appreciated. 142857, thanks it's nice to know I am not alone. How did your relatives and friends react to your son being an aspie? Most of my husband's family has no clue what asperger is and they are very old fashioned so we are...
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    Mommy to an Aspie boy!

    Hi everyone! I am new here, I am a mommy to an amazing little boy who will be 3 next month. He has yet to have a diagnosis to confirm it, but he his suspected to have the asperger syndrome. He has been showing a lot of signs for a few months and it is getting more obvious that he could be an...
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