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  1. I

    Worrying about my autistic son's future

    My oldest has autism. He is high functioning. How can I deter him from having a “girlfriend” and have children and at the same time encourage my younger son who is neurotypical to have girlfriends?
  2. T

    Need Advice

    Hello. I am conflicted and need help. I would appreciate any advice or counsel. Many years ago I was told I am probably autistic (Aspergers), and did some self-inventories, and I matched all of the characteristics (geeky, super smart, emotionally clueless, scoliosis, don't know how to deal with...
  3. Trichotillomania in my aspie kid

    Trichotillomania in my aspie kid

My nine-year-old kid plucked part of his eyelashes out on Sunday. It was not the first time, but the second. The first time was when he learned that his best friend was changing schools. As a consequence, he plucked out 90% of the eyelashes in one eye, and half of them in the other.
  4. Matthew Behnke

    Having trouble with managing my OCD

    Hello there, I have autism and OCD, I currently learn Russian mainly because I talk to people online in the language and use Russian social media, I personally feel like this has kept me active in the language in the best way possible. I however, struggle and sometimes doubt myself when I do...
  5. Joshua the Writer

    My Really Freakin' Strange Life

    My life is strange. I'm gonna tell you about it. I'm an Autistic bisexual. Also, expect tons of weirdnes. Blah blah blah, I am basically trying to meet the description length requirements at this point.
  6. Jenisautistic

    (new video )my thoughts on julia the character

  7. Autistamatic

    Autistic Opinion - Greta Thunberg ~ Autistamatic

    There's been some nasty things said about Greta Thunberg. Whether you agree with her stance on climate change or not, the comments that are made to derail her because she is autistic, young, female etc. have been distasteful to say the least. This hit a peak this weekend when a short video of...
  8. Kitty1995

    Suspected Asperger's all my life

    I'm a 24 year old female. I'm diagnosed with ADHD since 2016 but I think there is more to it. What has made me suspect Asperger's? As a child, I had to attend occupational therapy because I would have meltdowns if seams of my clothing would touch my skin. I had to wear all my clothes inside...
  9. HappynessMad

    A help program for autistic people in college... which I do not desire

    I am about to enter my freshman year in college. I was just enrolled into this program which is primarily designed to help autistic people in the college (academic coaches that look over you in classes, a "conversation club" forcing you to remind yourself of social cues and the like...
  10. KillerMidget

    Please help me, I desperately need help!!!

    Hi Everyone, I haven't been here very long but this site and all of you have provided me with so much support and insight and I am so grateful to have found my way here. I'm in serious trouble. Despite the tremendous amount of effort I have put into doing my job, I have finally messed up...
  11. Jenisautistic

    ( newest video) why being in the middle of the spectrum can be an ok thing

    Please let me know your thoughts I tried to come up with some positives about being in the middle of the spectum and decided to make a video about it
  12. B

    Studying Autism and ADHD Risks in Siblings (STAARS)

    Calling all families with a baby under 11 months old and a parent or older-sibling with a ASD diagnosis or ADHD/hyperactivity traits! We are recruiting for our STAARS study, if you are interested in knowing more please contact us at [email protected]
  13. B

    aspiehearts dating and friendship site (free)

    After much blood, sweat and tears I am pleased to announce the launch of www.aspiehearts.com - the first free to use dating/friendship site for those on the spectrum! aspiehearts allows you to find your perfect match by criteria from age to appearaance, lifestyle to distance. It's quick and easy...
  14. S

    Polarized Lenses, changed my life

    Ive always had issues regarding light, having to wear sunglasses inside because the glare was just too much. Leaving my vision dark and not the best. Always wearing them in summer is annoying as well because most glasses are uncomfortable and dont really work. Then i got polarized lenses and...
  15. Paralleluniverse

    Psychiatry (anti)

    Hey Beautiful people, I would like to keep this straight to the point, here's the thing I whole heartedly despise psychiatrists, they have never added value to me in my life, in fact my life improved exponentially when I got myself off the horrible meds that were prescribed and found a...
  16. Nielm

    A young wolf from Italy

    Hi everyone, I am from Italy and I am a young engineer of 23 years. I was diagnosed this year with High Functioning Autism and finally I explain many difficulties of my past, difficulties that my family has never understood or accepted and that now have a common matrix. I graduated last year...
  17. S

    Compulsive thoughts

    Does anyone suffer from fixations but within your head? I try and explain to people that it doesnt feel as though i have ocd because my brain just keeps popping up with thoughts of deafs and its doesnt seem to greatly upset me just make me anxious but sometimes i have these what i call "phase...
  18. An Arctic fox

    Just got diagnosed

    So i just got diagnosed, yesterday. The autism diagnosis feels weird even though I pursued it. My friend also thinks I'm faking autism and recently started accepting it might be true (they also think in faking other things and just try things I research on (I like psychology)) but what if I am...
  19. shivas

    Hi, It's me.

    Hi everyone... so I'm here because i hope to find people who are similar to me and struggle with the same problems. I'm not sure about my psychic disorder..but i'm sure about me being different since i'm 4 years old. I never really felt being part of my family and i grow up with the illusion...
  20. Joshua the Writer

    I Am Autistic (and Proud of it): A Video by Me

    IDK where else to put this, so you may move it to wherever it is more suitable I made this video and finished editing it yesterday. I hope you enjoy it. Have fun!
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