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  1. DiverseWonderland

    What is Normal for us?

    So we know about the "Social Guidelines" and what is considered "Normal" These days but what i want to know is what do you all do that you consider "normal" for yourself or what do you do that most others don't do? For instance I will play by imagining something in my head but on the outside...
  2. I

    Study about hearing and emotions

    Hello everybody! We are a research team from the Institute of Music Physiology and Musicians' Medicine (IMMM, Prof. Dr. Eckart Altenmüller) of the University of Music, Drama and Media based in Hanover, Germany and are currently conducting a large-scale online study on hearing and emotions. For...
  3. Renzo

    What are some "autistic problems" you need a solution for?

    Hey, I'm Renzo and I got a question for you guys. I recently started an organization called Autistic Spirits and I'm looking for some problems me & my team can solve. So go ahead and get your struggles of your chest!
  4. gallerypiece

    my experience with self diagnosis and childhood emotional neglect, and why those things correlate.

    some people can never imagine why i would accuse my parents of childhood and teenage emotional neglect. unless you had a dysfunctional family growing up and constantly lived in hard times, you would never be able to know the neglect that some of us experience as children. i was never physically...
  5. allan619

    Undiagnosed - Part Eight

    Special Interests I guess one of the main reasons I have some doubts about having AS is that I don’t seem to have a special interest. I would love to have one actually but I don’t have the attention to stick to any one thing. When I was younger I was really interested in computers, I used to get...
  6. allan619

    Undiagnosed - Part Seven

    Sarcasm I can often recognise when people are being sarcastic and my main issues are in my inability to respond appropriately to sarcastic comments. However this does not mean that I always recognise it, I can think of a couple of examples of when I got confused. The first is a comment that was...
  7. allan619

    Undiagnosed - Part Six

    Empty Head Empty headedness is something that happens to me whenever somebody attempts to engage me in a social conversation. I can get passed the initial “hello” and “how are you” but then it’s like my brain just freezes and there seems to be nothing in my head, absolutely nothing. The...
  8. allan619

    Undiagnosed - Part Five

    Pattern Finder I remember counting the stripes on the wallpaper on my walls, but not just counting them, I would see the pattern of three thick stripes followed by one thin stripe and then it would be repeated. It would frustrate me if I got to the end of the wall and it ended in way which...
  9. allan619

    Undiagnosed - Part Four

    Asperger Traits that I can relate to. Sensory overload This is something that I have experienced on a few occasions, mostly it’s auditory overload. There has been times when I’ve had to ask somebody “is it loud in here”? Which is confusing because you would think that somebody would know if...
  10. allan619

    Undiagnosed - Part Three

    Job Interviews Up until this point most of the job interviews that I’ve had have been very informal probably because they have been low skilled positions but job interviews are something I really struggle with. I’m just not comfortable talking about myself, I hate it. When asked to talk about...
  11. allan619

    Undiagnosed - Part Two

    Work Life I decided to leave school at the first chance I got. I was 16 years old and my first job was working in an office, doing basic office type things, I won’t bore you with the details. You might be thinking why I would choose such a job if I don’t like being around people and have...
  12. allan619

    Undiagnosed - Part One

    Do I have Asperger Syndrome? I’ve always been a quiet and shy person, one of my earliest memories is of my mother telling people “Don’t mind him he’s shy”. For the longest time I have just assumed that this was a quirk of my personality. Some people are born with brown hair some with blond...
  13. allan619

    Do I have Asperger Syndrome

    This is a simple blog about my life being an undiagnosed Asspie. I talk about my school life, my work life, my social life and some of the common traits I have. I think that I'm on the mild end of the spectrum and so writing this blog was really an attempt to self diagnose.
  14. DiverseWonderland

    How Imagination and Special Interests are His Motivation

    (Not written by me) Jonah wants you to know that he has Asperger’s Syndrome. Yes, he says, it has hardships but his autism comes with many strengths. One of his greatest is his imagination. He uses it in a positive, creative way to help him through day-to-day tasks or when he needs to go to a...
  15. RosieSweets

    Finding a Job/Employment

    Hi guys, I am currently studying Autism in my final year and i am starting a research based project with aims to raise awareness for the struggles individual's face when it comes to finding employment, and to promote charities and organisations that provide support for these issues. I'd be so...
  16. W

    Is there a chance I might be autistic?

    Hello, I‘m a teenager from Germany and I‘ve been wondering about my condition for a while now. I hadn’t been diagnosed, but I considered visiting a psychiatrist. My problem is that I always felt like the „odd one out“ in school. I always had problems communicating with others, so much that I was...
  17. M

    Going to the car wash?

    Dad touched after autistic son gets VIP treatment at car wash Shawn Logan - August 29, 2018 Canoe.ca Five-year-old Jude Rudics of Lethbridge was given the VIP treatment at Mint Smartwash. For five-year-old Jude Rudics, scrubbers and suds are his oasis. Diagnosed as autistic at 18 months of...
  18. Royal

    Im new here!

    Hey everybody im new here and dont know what to expect. Im scared if this is a meme community or is it legit casue my anxiety high by joing this site. I have aspergaus Syndrone and high functioning autism.
  19. A

    Do you have visual disturbances like static vision, afterimages, light sensitivity and trails?

    Do you see millions of dots moving in your vision? Then you may suffer from visual snow syndrome. Some people with autism have this condition. Other symptoms of visual snow syndrome are: Afterimages Seeing circles and starbursts around streetlight Light flashes in eye Blue field entoptic...
  20. Catalyst

    I finally received an official diagnosis.

    Today, as of the age of 36 years and 14 days, I have been given my official diagnosis of Autism Level 1. The psychologist did a basic interview, had me do an empathy questionnaire, the AQ, and the A-DOS 2, and said everything was in the autism range. And along with those assessments, she had me...
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