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  1. ariannegarcia

    autism anxiety and alexithymia

    I had a panic attack the other day, and I tried to work through it. I wrote about how I was "feeling" and this is my understanding of my experience <3 I Need A Break: Autism, Anxiety, and Alexithymia
  2. R

    Dealing with Stress and Dark Times

    Hi All I need some advice, my partner is diagnosed autistic and if you have read any of my previous posts you know that we started off our relationship as an affair. We have been seeing each other for two years and needless to say it has been difficult (my other posts will show this) In...
  3. C

    Questioning my Aspergers

    if I do have Aspergers it was completely missed as a child. I was quiet and odd, apparently. I can't get officially diagnosed. The only person who has ever taken me seriously is my therapist. My family are clueless on how not to invalidate me and my OCD (officially diagnosed) is off the charts...
  4. Hedgehog Instigator

    The double meltdown

    This is starting to become common with the current boyfriend. We're both diagnosed. When he starts having stimulus issues he gets very talkative and tells me all the things I'm doing to trigger him. The onslaught of information paired with its negative nature triggers me. So I have a meltdown...
  5. Caelix3

    Flat affect?

    I don't know if it is a autism thing or more of a depression thing. But I constantly get told I have a flat affect. Today in a meeting at Adult prep program, one of the teachers said I tend to have a flat affect. Which makes me hard to read. That I need to show a face reflecting how I'm feeling...
  6. tdrfreebird

    At the end of my rope

    I'm 29 years old and I have yet to enter a relationship. It's not that I haven't wanted it; I've wanted a girlfriend since the 1st grade. I had an abusive father and an overbearing mother. I was picked on in childhood for being fat and weird. Every friend I've ever had has either moved away...
  7. Jorg

    The end of social networks and social endeavour for me

    For many years since I started on social networks, firts on hi-5 and then facebook a part of me never got fully conected to the social paradigm those sites include. I've never been a very social guy, and I'm more of a solitaire and isolated person. My therapists told me to at least stay in...
  8. N

    Curcumin: New Use for an Old Spice? 2017-01-10

    This is a study of the effectiveness of curcumin as an anti-inflamatory properties relating to the possibility of easing mood disorders using a spice commonly found in curry.
  9. Ephraim Becker

    Those bad thoughts in my head from camp 2 years ago is getting much worse

    Those bad thoughts about a camp I went to 2 years ago is getting much worse. I feel like i'm the only person in the world that has an issue like this. I believe that I now have 24/7 anxiety. My anxiety is only getting stronger. To make things worse, no one believes me at all and thinks that i'm...
  10. N

    The Lowly Dawn Simulator 2016-12-09

    I am a subscriber to Psychiatric Times.In order to reap all benefits of their site,I fear it is a necessary evil. I found them to have many interesting write ups that pertain to loads of psych issues and the latest treatments.
  11. H

    Self-Diagnosed Female Seeking a Formal Diagnosis (Aspergers Syndrome)

    About four years ago, I was speaking with an older family friend and mentioned that I feel like I'm different to others. She has known me since I was born and has professed in social work. She told me that, particularly as a child she has noticed that I show traits of Aspergers syndrome. Having...
  12. Caelix3

    I go on virtual worlds, do you? Also questions?

    I go on virtual worlds like IMVU or Second Life. Although I have yet to make any friends on either of those games. I'm afraid to approach people in real life and the same goes for approaching people virtually. Especially if it seems like they are in some kind of clique. How can I get over that...
  13. D


    Hi, I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome two years ago, when I was 19. I graduated high school in June of '13, but wasn't able to go to any of the colleges I applied to, either because of the lack of affordability or I got rejected. After that I signed up for FEMACorps. FEMACorps is a...
  14. trvp3zoid

    Share Your Coping Techniques...

    Not sure if this will help any of you, but I just wanted to share it and find out some of your coping mechanisms so that they may possibly aid me as well. Since I was a little kid I have been folding my arms across my chest and laying against the back of the couch facing toward it, it feels...
  15. stigmatic

    Overstimulation through emotions?

    So, ever since I heard about the Intense World Theory it's definitely raised questions because I feel like my emotions are way more intense than what someone else feels and with those intense emotions it's like an overload and I usually shut down and get terribly anxious and depressed and have...
  16. danielcollins

    Outlook On Life

    I'm curious to know what people's general outlook on life is, very high level - beit positive or negative. I've come to realise over the last few years that I'm a very positive person, I rarely get angry and I'm more willing to just accept (most) things for what they are. But with this...
  17. Libecht

    I find myself full of depression and anger everyday

    Since my childhood, I got mad like every hour. There are just too many things that piss me off. For instance, littering, making noises, wasting food, using disposal utensils, smoking, killing innocent bugs, insulting my favorite movie, not recycling, and not to mention, tons of stupid comments...
  18. Cosmophylla

    Breakthrough with my son, but where to now?

    My seven year old son was given psychometric testing at age four because we had been told by many people that he was unusually bright. I was also concerned about some aspects of his behaviour. We had originally thought his development was pretty "normal" but I should've noticed sooner that...
  19. M

    People on autism spectrum live 18 fewer years

    People on autism spectrum live 18 fewer years The leading causes of death are suicide and epilepsy, both of which are exceedingly more common among people with autism, researchers say. Questions of self-worth often start early for people with autism and often are compounded by other...
  20. Cinnamon115

    I need some advice on whether or not to play Mother 3

    I need some advice on this. I've heard many great things about this game, and I would like to play it, but I have some concerns: 1. I have been struggling with depression for a while and sad/depressing things tend to overwhelm me. I've heard that Mother 3 is a great, but sad/depressing game...
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