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  1. KillerMidget

    Please help me, I desperately need help!!!

    Hi Everyone, I haven't been here very long but this site and all of you have provided me with so much support and insight and I am so grateful to have found my way here. I'm in serious trouble. Despite the tremendous amount of effort I have put into doing my job, I have finally messed up...
  2. AngelWings17

    Good jobs for autistic people???

    If you've ready my previous posts that mention my job, you can probably tell that I hate it ant it's too stressful. I need to find another job. Preferably one that's Aspie friendly. And also, if the job allows visible tattoos and facial piercings then that's a bonus! I am striving to work with...
  3. P

    Realizing This About Job Interviews . . .

    As someone who is both an introvert and on the spectrum, going to job interviews can feel especially intimidating; you're competing for the same position with who knows how many other neurotypical applicants, all of which have varying strengths and degrees of experience, including satisfactory...
  4. T

    New Pizza Delivery Job. Need advice.

    So, not content to simply wait around for a job to find me, I went to find a job. I let the SSA I'm getting started and hopefully I can try and see what my job at Donatos Pizza is like. Unfortunately, my track record for the longest I kept a job is not so hot. My security job lasted two days and...
  5. T

    Super Scared Into Full Time Work

    Hi, there! I know this is out of the blue, but I want to ask this because I'm feeling very down about myself and I desperately need some input for those that are out on the field. I'm a 30 year old male living in Tennessee. I got my degree on December 31, 2017 with a GPA of 3.94. I was so proud...
  6. Bolletje

    A glimmer of hope.

    It's been a month since my last update, which was rather bleak. A lot has happened in the mean time. For one, I started seeing a psychiatric nurse and a psychologist at my local health care crisis center. Usually wait lists are up to 8 months here, but I had the mixed blessing of being so...
  7. Bronwyn

    Advice on job?

    My 1.5 year contract comes to a end this month and its going to leave me stuck. I have college education for TV and film and then another for Business IT. (UK college). I have applied for loads of places and have been either denied or had nothing back. Its so annoying. I dont have any Uni...
  8. theconservativeaspie

    My Job at the Movie Theaters.

    Hello all, Two months ago, I got accepted to work at a movie theater. It's a very popular brand in the US, I am sure that you have all heard of AMC Theaters. I'm not going to tell you which AMC I work at because I do not want you to know where I live. Working at this AMC has many pros and...
  9. Highway Cowboy

    Struggling At Work

    I'm a Trucker (HGV Driver), just wondering if anyone has any advice. The company I work for, generally we all have our own routes every day so therefore always know what we're doing and where we are going in advance. However just lately they've started messing with our routes (seems mine...
  10. K

    I am interested in learning about employment situation of individuals on the autism spectrum (UK)

    Hello everyone! My name is Kalle, and I am investigating the experiences of individuals on the autism spectrum who are employed, or are seeking employment now or in the future. This project is part of my Bachelor studies and we are interested in the views and experiences of individuals with...
  11. Bolletje

    I am exhausted.

    As promised, another update, just a little later than I had planned. I've been working as a doctor for nearly two months now, and I love my job. I honestly couldn't imagine anything more fulfilling, at the end of the day. But it is draining as hell. Ask any honest doctor about their first few...
  12. Chris Russell (The Talentless Liar) Blog

    Abused Amoebas and Career Correlations (First published Nov 2017)

    I was reading an excerpt from a zoological textbook the other day about the reactions of different types of amoeba to stimulus. (Yes - this is the sort of thing you will find in my web surfing history. Shut up.) It seems that amoeba, generally, rarely move because of a positive stimulus...
  13. Chris Russell (The Talentless Liar) Blog

    Karma Police (First published October 2017)

    What an odd title I have chosen for this post... (Regardless of my being a huge Radiohead fan.) And yet I can think of nothing better to encompass the feelings I have at recent events. Perhaps this is the first sign of my sense of my newfound validity starting to fracture... (I wouldn't be...
  14. J

    Stressed. Which job do I take?!

    Hey y'all. Fellow aspie here. I planning on attending college this spring full-time but I need to make money while I'm there to pay for rent and stuff. I live with my brother and sister but I still need to work 30-40 hours per week at just above minimum wage just to meet the minimum...
  15. A

    Motivation Level = 0.00% Unless...

    For most of my life, I have had absolutely NO motivation at all whatsoever to do anything. But the weird part of it is that I actually DO have desires to want to do certain things (I want to make video projects. Nothing really professional, just fun stuff to put on YouTube, etc.), but when I...
  16. As sweet as-pie

    Job Interview - Anxiety about new places

    Hi all, I have my first ever job interview tomorrow. At first I was very socially anxious about it, but then I worked out which angle to go for and have been practising questions so I'm not as worried about that anymore. I'm confident that I'll be able to answer most things. Usually with...
  17. Mr Allen

    They're building a new Co Op up near my Parents, should I apply to work there?

    Topic. Only thing that puts me off is that in June 1998 I applied to the big Co Op in Hillsborough, Sheffield which is now a Home Bargains, and at the interview, the Manager told me to my face that I was overqualified and shop work was "beneath me". Obviously I'm looking for work in the Retail...
  18. A

    Greetings from Newly Diagnosed 58-year-old

    It's a bit overwhelming to realize your entire life can be defined with a single word. I had been in therapy for a long time, but that word, Aspergers, never left my doctor's lips, that is until I came to it myself, and asked him straight out. I am the youngest of four, and my siblings have...
  19. RiverSong

    Job Interview Anxiety, Overload & Shutdown?

    I don't know if this is exactly spectrum related or not but I've always been awful at interviews. I've been on more than I can count but I just can't seem to grasp the interpersonal aspects of the interview process. Sometimes it's just a matter of me being really off, extremely nervous or...
  20. C

    Questioning my Aspergers

    if I do have Aspergers it was completely missed as a child. I was quiet and odd, apparently. I can't get officially diagnosed. The only person who has ever taken me seriously is my therapist. My family are clueless on how not to invalidate me and my OCD (officially diagnosed) is off the charts...
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