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mental health

  1. Jenisautistic

    in to the unknown cover talking about anxiety

    hi just wanted to say that I love this song it is so powerful and amazing I feel like Elsa sometimes and I get shutdowns where I'm in a sort of inner world but it s more From the trama but I believe the autism causes it to come out too it feel like my inner world will go back to writing stories...
  2. Jenisautistic

    Hi Update

    How is everyone doing? this coronavirus sure is crazy I haven’t been on here in sound long I wish I Would have been able to this whole thing is making me think of my friend in high school Who I thought was a very very good friend and my other friends in our clubs at and things like that in...
  3. Andie Kinney

    Mental Health

    A place to talk about my mental health struggles, triumphs and vent about frustrations. Living with mental health issues and developmental disability, healing from trauma.
  4. celestialregale

    Maladaptive daydreaming?

    From what I understand it's not a recognized disorder, but I'm wondering if anyone else on the spectrum does it? I started looking into it when my husband asked what the heck I was doing pacing on the porch for hours at a time. I've done it for as long as I can remember and don't consider it a...
  5. L

    Take part in this study: Studying the impact of depression on quality of life for adults

    Calling all adults (18 years and over) with ASD! Would you like to take part in research? I am a Master’s student and as part of my dissertation project I am conducting a study on the impact of depression on quality of life for autistic adults. This will involve completing an online survey...
  6. Julia Brianna

    hello everyone, personal update here!

    ahh, yes, ''tis i, Julia/Jules. i hope everyone has/has had a good day/night/afternoon by the time you see this! some things changed and i'd like to inform you guys: -i'm almost done with junior year. -i've learned to love change. -my favorite colors are now rainbow! -i'm more comfortable with...
  7. Heather752

    Bf on spectrum has really bad depression

    Hi all, I'm not on the spectrum, but my boyfriend is. Recently, his depression has skyrocketed and his anorexia has gotten worse. He'll go hours upon hours without texting me back or answering my calls and he started self-harming again. Today he realized that his depression isn't just harming...
  8. Luc

    Has anyone here worked in the medical field?

    It seems likely that I will go into Medical Billing & Coding in the future. I have the interest, but I'm unsure if I have the capability. Main question: I'm wondering what unique challenges the medical field might pose for someone on the spectrum. I fear my weaknesses would raise significant...
  9. The Phantom

    Realizing my sexuality + other things since I've been gone

    Hey everyone, The Phantom's back! I know it's been a long time since I last posted. I've been very busy with school and other things. I got diagnosed with generalized Anxiety back in August, and afterwards was in a months-long episode of anxious and depressive thoughts, which gave me very...
  10. Mary Anne

    Sensory Overload: Leaving my job in the mental health field

    I am leaving due to two things: my sensory processing issues have severely increased in the work environment and there can be no accommodations. Another is the high cost and anxiety of an enormous daily commute by car on a low salary. I will be leaving behind people with challenges who need...
  11. Jenisautistic

    Being stuck in the middle/ in between two systems

    Being stuck in the middle Hey everyone is there anyone out here feels like they’re stuck in between two or three worlds in a way. I’ve been trying to find someway to be productive in society helping out as best as I can even if it’s a little bit.Note I went to the process is the vocational...
  12. SparklAng

    How to deal with people who think ASD will 'just pass'?

    Hi, I'm new here. I found this forum recently and thought it would be time to post- I'm not good at this sort of thing though! I will get to the point. I am diagnosed with several mental health issues, anorexia, depression, OCD, etc. And I also am diagnosed with High Functioning Autism. I do...
  13. pjcnet

    Why do so many people define Asperger Syndrome as a mental health condition?

    I was diagnosed from a very early age with autism in the 1970s and was obviously born with it, much later I was re-diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome and both my brothers are severely autistic (E.g. they can't count to 5, read or write Etc Etc.). I am however sick and tired of being told even by...
  14. Finding the sweet spots in life.

    Asperger's... really?

    I've never been one who believes in labels, Once heard that labels were for soup cans. Humanity will record it as the way it is, and the labels helped identifying a persons life. Some were good labels. To be educated, a teacher is one that comes to mind. Teachers are, to me, whoever is helping...
  15. EagleKey7

    Hello! I'm a newbie to Asperger's.

    I'm a noob. I planned on starting a youtube channel before I found out about being an aspie. While I know some of my personal struggles and some adventures I'd like to take people on is there anything any of you would suggest as a way to engage and help people. I'm disabled currently and need to...
  16. Libecht

    What is your attitude toward otherkin?

    Copied from Wikipedia: Otherkin are a community of people who socially identify as partially or entirely non-human. Some of them surmise that they are, either spiritually or genetically, not human, however this claim is unsubstantiated. This is explained by some members of the otherkin community...
  17. C

    the OCD monster

    hi, is there anyone else here who is autistic/ has Aspergers and also has OCD?
  18. Hattie

    22 yr old girl, just diagnosed

    Hi all! I'm 22 and got diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome yesterday which feels like such a massive relief as I've spent most of my life struggling. When I was 17 I lived in a psychiatric hospital for 9 months and was diagnosed with all sorts sporadically, (BPD, bipolar, depression, anxiety)...
  19. M

    Meltdown chorea

    Meltdown chorea is what I am calling it where one makes involuntary movements during meltdowns that are less regular and more jerky and less regular than stimming at other times. I do something like this when frustrated, hitting things, even finger and wrist biting. Does anyone here get this...
  20. danielcollins


    A friend of mine recently came across one of those facebook pictures with lots of "I can't help thinking about something" kinda quotes over it, mentioning OCD which got me thinking.. I've always known I had OCD as I was diagnosed with it along with Aspergers, ADHD etc as a child. I've never...
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