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  1. Tyrantus1212

    Skin/Nail Peeling Stim

    Hello guys, so this is something I do regularly and without even being aware; I believe it's one of my stims. I constantly peel skin from my fingertips and lips, as well as fingernails. It's become such a long-time habit that I ended up doing it subconsciously, and still do. I also notice that...
  2. JoyChaos

    What is this feeling

    Sometimes theres a feeling deep inside of me, a feeling that no matter what i cant get out. Its like a build up of something tbh i cant even really fully explain it myself. But what comes to mind that would potentially give me relief seems violent to me. I want to scream. I want to pound my...
  3. Caelix3

    Clicking, fidget, and stimming

    What do you use to fidget or stim with that makes a clicking sound? I usually use a pen or my prince frog figurine. The prince frog figurine opens up and closes with a magnet, making a clicking sound. I just ordered a fidget cube and 3 klixx. The klixx makes a clicking sound and the fidget...
  4. Nemo

    Increase in autistic behaviours after diagnosis?

    Hey, I noticed that after my diagnosis, I started stimming more and displaying more behaviours. Not sure why. Placebo effect? Letting loose? Other idea? I want to hear it. Just curious
  5. Caelix3

    Fidget Cube

    Has anyone tried a Fidget Cube and does it work pretty well? I've been thinking of getting one, as I think it would be a good thing to fidget with. It could probably be even used for stimming too. Fidget Cube A video showing a fake one vs the real one. The video above ^ shows the features.
  6. A

    The Mask of Normality

    I realize this is a video, but I didn't think it really belonged in the media vault. Basically, I find this video to offer informative and helpful tips about how to realistically and healthfully exist in this NT world.:)
  7. Coupe

    Getting defensive/embarrassed when asked about stim toys?

    Is it normal to get defensive when someone asks you about the stim toys you use? Not just when they're being disparaging and condescending about it, but also when they're just genuinely curious? I tend to get this way mostly when people ask me about the chewable silicone pendants I wear...my...
  8. Tayler

    Help with getting my tics/stims under control?

    Hello, I've just joined this website looking for help with this particular issue because I am having difficulty finding answers on the Internet. I'm a 21-year-old female with Asperger's, and I've had tics/stims/habits all my life. Usually they involve working specific muscles, such as clenching...
  9. M

    Self soothing behaviors from childhood to adulthood.

    What did you do to self-soothe as a child? Do you do this still? This is a mix of articles that expand on self-soothing in both NT's and people with autism: ....Early trauma, in infancy, childhood, or even before birth, is believed to influence the programming of the body’s stress activation...
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