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  1. Jorg

    Working with "interesting" female in a group full of guys

    I didn't know if I should post this here or love/dating section. Anyway, I'm very confused and I don't know what the hell is happenning. You'll see, I'm starting to get to now a female collegue here in university. In electronics engineering there aren't a lot of women, I think the guy-girl...
  2. K

    I am interested in learning about employment situation of individuals on the autism spectrum (UK)

    Hello everyone! My name is Kalle, and I am investigating the experiences of individuals on the autism spectrum who are employed, or are seeking employment now or in the future. This project is part of my Bachelor studies and we are interested in the views and experiences of individuals with...
  3. Bolletje

    I am exhausted.

    As promised, another update, just a little later than I had planned. I've been working as a doctor for nearly two months now, and I love my job. I honestly couldn't imagine anything more fulfilling, at the end of the day. But it is draining as hell. Ask any honest doctor about their first few...
  4. Catalyst

    Bypassing the Job Interview?

    So, I tried doing a search for an actual discussion about getting work, but I couldn't find one. Admittedly, I only went through four pages, so forgive me if this has been posted before. I have a lot of trouble with job interviews. I've been through a Job Corp thing where they help you build a...
  5. Siobhan

    Introduction: Feedback Welcome

    Hi, I found my way to this forum during my self-diagnosis process. I'm pretty sure I have aspergers or high functioning autism but I'm still in the process of reading as much as I can find and making a document with all my symptoms and whatever stuff my parents can remember from when I was...
  6. Ameriblush

    Falling asleep in class...

    I notice that whenever I sit down for a long enough period, I fall asleep. That sounds pretty basic, but I'm in class, and after sitting down for only 20 mins, I'm so out of it that I have narrowly avoided falling out of my seat and scaring the daylights out of myself on several occasions...
  7. J

    Stressed. Which job do I take?!

    Hey y'all. Fellow aspie here. I planning on attending college this spring full-time but I need to make money while I'm there to pay for rent and stuff. I live with my brother and sister but I still need to work 30-40 hours per week at just above minimum wage just to meet the minimum...
  8. Utini

    Troubles working in healthcare

    Looking for other people that are familiar with a busy job in healthcare or any loud and fast paced job really. Would like to know if you have any of the same problems/feelings. My biggest concern lately, as I get older is that I don't take care of myself at work. I'm a CNA on a med/surg/neuro...
  9. Finally Getting Out There

    Finally Getting Out There

    Yesterday me and my mom printed out an application (10 pages long) for Vocational Rehabilitation. Vocational Rehabilitation is a place where they find jobs that are suitable for people with disabilities. Since I have ASD, I would love to have a job that is easier, understandable, not hard and...
  10. A

    Decorating my workspace - work vs. home

    I used to try very hard to make my workspace seem like home, to reflect my personality and interests. It was an attempt to create a little safe haven nest at work, to try to escape/block out my surrounding situation (the workplace). It didn't help reduce my work anxiety. It may have made it...
  11. A

    Confusing Job Instructions

    I've been watching/listening to videos and reading books on job prep for Aspies. I watched one short documentary on an Australian Aspie who is trying to get into the workforce. It was fun to watch, and there were just a few parts that made me cringe: When the supervisor told him to "enjoy...
  12. The Midge


    It’s Friday. I’m sitting down with my morning cuppa on a day off. When the grass is dry I’m going to start some work on the garden and do a bit of landscaping. Sounds idyllic doesn’t it? I would rather be at work earning enough to live on comfortably, getting a pension and that kind of thing...
  13. ErinH

    Aspies in Work

    Hi everyone, I work full-time and have done so since university (and worked part-time before uni), with the occasional year-or-two gap due to mental health difficulties (before I realised I could be aspie). I have always hated working in the sense that I can never seem to release myself from...
  14. As sweet as-pie

    Job Interview - Anxiety about new places

    Hi all, I have my first ever job interview tomorrow. At first I was very socially anxious about it, but then I worked out which angle to go for and have been practising questions so I'm not as worried about that anymore. I'm confident that I'll be able to answer most things. Usually with...
  15. Katleya

    Reacting to feedback at work

    I just came across this blog post in my emails. It's from a website that is designed with consultants in mind, so usually the blog posts deal with issues such as management or EQ, and occasionally there comes a post with fairly practical aspects than can be used even outside that industry. I...
  16. M

    Problems with staying at a job

    Do you find yourself not being able to stay at a job? When I used to work, I could only work there the most for a year. Whatever reason I would quit that job. It's not only true with working, it's wherever I go, I have problems staying there long term. The longest I stayed at a place was 3...
  17. RiverSong

    Job Interview Anxiety, Overload & Shutdown?

    I don't know if this is exactly spectrum related or not but I've always been awful at interviews. I've been on more than I can count but I just can't seem to grasp the interpersonal aspects of the interview process. Sometimes it's just a matter of me being really off, extremely nervous or...
  18. Chris Russell (The Talentless Liar) Blog

    The hits keep coming

    So, has the bubble burst? Has my new-found validity run out of steam? Met its match? Died a death? The answer is most assuredly: No. Indeed, I have put it to the test. I have thrown everything I can think of at it: There have been social events, stressful health issues, concerns about the...
  19. WereBear

    Temple Grandin: Choose the right job

    Ran across this fine article: Genius May Be an Abnormality: Educating Students with Asperger's Syndrome, or High Functioning Autism Which has a lot of information on the importance of career picking for Aspies.
  20. Katleya

    Explanations perceived as excuses

    I was wondering if any of you felt the need to explain processes in certain situations. I do, and it typically gets a response from my NT coworkers or boyfriend that is light years away from my intention. Here are two instances: - I've tried explaining that I may have difficulties with certain...
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