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A fun quiz. How dark is your soul?

4.2, 99th percentile. I can be a very dark person at times but it tends to arise out of extreme emotionality, not the opposite. I strongly suspect I have Borderline Personality Disorder.
This quiz would be more accurate if it used real life examples to test our decisions. That would be a much longer quiz though.

My score of 1.81, 20%, didn't surprise me. When I was young I probably would have scored higher.
This quiz would be more accurate if it used real life examples to test our decisions. That would be a much longer quiz though.

My score of 1.81, 20%, didn't surprise me. When I was young I probably would have scored higher.
I would have tested higher in my younger years, too.I think I have gone from being very self centered and protective of myself, to an overabundance of compassion!
A better test would be this. Ask yourself what your darkest thought is. Then how close are you to acting on it.
Do you have a dark passenger?
3.8 - 97%. The result could be because I have run out of cookies and the only remaining chocolate has something I'm allergic to in it...
EVERYONE has a dark side. If someone says they don't they are full of Bantha Poodoo.

While driving down the road on a nice sunny day, everyone eventually thinks "2 grandparents and 1 grandkid....... 3 points each senior, 10 points the kid... total 16 points."

Doesn't mean you act on it. Dark sides bring character. No one remembers that Episode where Kirk got split in 2 due to a transporter malfunction?

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