As a healthcare professional, with autism, who does a lot of research on this topic, and was an athlete most of my life, all I can tell anyone is that it is not as simple as "calories in vs. calories out". It's not as simple as "getting off your behind and moving". It is not as simple as "stop eating all that junk food". It's not as simple as "in one hole and out the other".
Boy, I wish I had the genetics to just "do that one thing" and have those excess pounds just melt away. I wish I could just take that one magic pill or supplement and have my health issues go away like advertisers would love to have you think.
There are so many competing metabolic interactions going on in the body to count. Genetics, hormones, underlying auto-immune conditions, stress responses, environmental and dietary toxins, are just the start. In order to change your body composition, it involves a multi-pathway approach.
1. You can't fight your genetics. However, you can go to a professional who can look at your body composition and decide how best to approach your weight loss goals. Some people need to significantly cut their carb intake, some need a moderate amount of carbs, and some even need more carbs in order to loose weight. The same with their protein and fat intake. Ever wonder how these Hollywood actors get these perfect bodies for their on-screen roles? They have people around them. Physical trainers. Dietitians and chefs. It can be done. Competing bodybuilders, the same thing. For most of us, I would recommend going to a gym and finding the right trainer who will push you physically, but also is knowledgable in how to create a winning dietary program specific to you. Instead of wasting your money on the latest fad diet or supplement, take that money to the gym and trainer.
2. The autism component. Chronic stress. We talk about it ALL-THE-TIME on the forums here. This stresses me out, that causes me anxiety, I just want to get away from people, this causes sensory issues, I can't make friends, why is my relationship failing, I was bulled the other day, my family sucks, on and on and on. How do you think that affects your body? Stress hormones. Endocrine system. Chronically elevated stress hormones and inflammatory markers. This is all catabolic (tissue wasting) and causes us to store excess fat. It can cause hypertension. It can cause metabolic syndrome and diabetes. It can cause kidney disfunction. Elevated blood sugar, insulin, urea, nitrogen, creatinine, homocysteine, liver enzymes, cholesterol, on and on.
3. Diet. If you are in the US, you know these food companies put in a crap load of metabolic manipulating chemicals into everything that comes in a bag, box, or can. They want you to eat more. If it says "diet", "low fat", "low sugar", it's probably the worst thing for you. Period. Protein bars and shakes, but full of insulin spiking sweeteners. Horrible. Most of the food that we find on our grocery store shelves in the US, are literally illegal in most other countries, for health reasons! The food we eat makes us sick. So, lets eat whole foods only. Great idea, but in the US, darn near everything is sprayed with pesticides, weed killers, and anti-fungals, and the soil is so depleted, it has low nutritional value. Animal products are pumped full of hormones and antibiotics. We wonder why all these kids have food allergies? We wonder why the rise in autism and auto-immune diseases of all sorts? We wonder why testosterone levels in males have dropped significantly and have breast tissue of their own, and why females can have breasts and start their periods before the age of 12? Estrogens and phytoestrogens. Why our children look like soft manatees? Why is there so much gender dysphoria in our young people? We wonder why the obesity, diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular epidemic in the US? These are all recent developments in our society. We didn't have these issues prior to the 1980s. These big food conglomerates are literally killing us. So, in steps "big pharma" to the rescue. They've got a "pill" for that. Medical schools (supported by the food and drug industries) teach medications, not health and nutrition. It's all a huge, multi-trillion dollar money creating circle for the food and drug companies, health insurance companies, lobbyists, and lawyers. The citizens of the US are just the unwitting fools in all of this. Farmers have to do what they have to do to compete and survive, caught in the middle of all this. Corrupt politicians with $200,000 salaries are worth 10's even 100's of millions of dollars in net worth after a few years in government due to pay-offs and kick-backs from these corporations. The US spends more money per person on health care than any other country in the world and yet we are one of the worst in terms of outcomes. Where's our tax dollars and health insurance premiums going? Seems obvious.
At any rate, all we can do is be smart about where we get our food, watch our intake, filter our water, learn to cook and prepare meals, get some vigorous exercise, get off of social media, get out in nature, listen to some relaxing music, avoid toxic people, let the sun shine on our face and wind blow in our hair. Get off the crazy train.