Sigh, despite being asexual, I am quite the romantic. I don't remember having any crushes in kindergarten. I did have a crush on my friend from 8-13 (probably reached its peak when I was 11-12). She was good friends with two other boys and we would hang out occasionally, all four or us two. I knew I was 2 in the order of friends and I knew at least buy no. 3 had asked her out. I did eventually ask her, but she said I didn't have enough muscles, and also said I needed more confidence, and that instead of asking for stuff, I should take it. I might have taken one kiss, but I honestly don't remember.
In pre-high school (for 13-15 year olds) I had a more typical crush. It was a pretty friendly and fiendishly clever girl. I had absolutely no confidence or friends at the time so I never seriously considered making anything of it. I was also so ignorant of the social dynamics in my class that I had no clue if she was in a relationship or not. I really appreciate how before an end of year party, the main organizers wanted to use helium balloons. One guy stood up and protested because helium is a limited resource which shouldn't be used single use balloons, and I protested as well since he made some good points. This girl was the only other person to protest as well, and she didn't really know either one of us. At the end of school yearbook we all wrote messages in each other's books, and I wrote her a poem (not a love one) but left it unsigned, so that she would have to remember it was me who wrote it if she read the book again.
I didn't really have strong crushes with anyone in high school, but I went to Serbia on exchange for a year (I'll write about it eventually), and there I met my future (ex)-girlfriend. I definitely had a pretty strong crush on her, but I was also perfectly happy to just be friends. A friend we had in common had introduced us. She told me "I have a nice friend I would like to introduce you to", while to her, she said "I'm going to introduce you to your future boyfriend!". Turns out she was right. We didn't become a couple till over a year later though, when I had returned to my home country. She said she noticed that I had a crush on her about half a year after we got to know each other, while she started falling in love with me about a month before we got together. She was the one to ask me (which is good, since I never would have asked her).
More recently (after that relationship was over), I started falling in love with my friend. I wasn't interested in her at first (and besides, she was in a relationship), but during a Christmas test period when I was feeling really lonely, I missed her and all our conversations together, and I could recognize that I connected with her in a different way and more strongly than even my ex (emotionally that is. My ex knew me much better). Her relationship had ended, she started a new one, and then that also ended, and so I had decided that after the period, I would reveal my feelings. I knew we were totally incompatible (she is really, really into sex, particularly of the penetrative kind and adores her job at a sex accessory store) but I thought maybe we could find some sort of compromise since I'm not a jealous type at all. I just wanted a bit more intimacy and felt like my emotions were suffocating. Fortunately, she started a third relationship, this time with a guy who would never have gotten to know her if not for me. They seem really comfortable together and I am happy for them. The guy is quite kind from what I know of him, so I wish them the best.
The last one is another girl on the spectrum. I had a slight crush on her and we regularly met up after class or during breaks. Like me, she hasn't been diagnosed, but she has even more obvious traits and stimming than me. I'm at about 100% certainty she is there, and she is also asexual. However, my crush on her has vaned, and at the moment I'm quite happy to just be friends with her. I also know she has pretty bad anxiety issues where she will completely shut down if something stresses her out so I don't want to take any risks.
I think that at the moment, I'm not at a healthy enough place mentally/socially to sustain a relationship and the last one turned quite toxic so next time I want to do it
right. I'm an asexual male though, so I know I'm quite the catch when the time is right
