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A-Z Foods with images

(^That sounds so good! I had to look it up. I love this thread, as it has brought various, interesting foods to my attention, that I'd love to try.)

Lingonberry pie

Yes, absolutely! : ).

Pita Pocket

Pita Pocket.jpg

Edit: Followed by:

Pistachio ice cream (...couldn't resist : ))

Pistachio Ice Cream.jpg
(Indeed! I'll have to look up Quality Street, as well. We don't have that here, in the U.S., that I am aware of. I wonder how they come up with some names for chocolates/ candy. My cousins bring interesting chocolates from England, when they visit. Not that I assume those are English, necessarily. Forgive my commentary. :D)

Red Lentil Thai Chili

(Yep, Quality Street is English, but it is exported to other parts of the world. According to wikipedia the original maker used the name, which was the name of a play, as inspiration.)



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