That would fall within cognitive dysfunction (which is going to be unique to the individual.) In which case, you are looking at lack of comprehension rather than outright malice. Most cases like this are what are termed extenuating circumstances.
Premeditated crimes by autistic are rare in the extreme. Most are a result of flawed comprehension or poor impulse control. Take a look at the prevalence rate of ADHD within the prison population. It is 26% in the US compared to 9% in the general population. There is also a 40 - 60% comorbidity rate of ADHD within the autistic community. If an autistic does commit a crime there is a huge probability it is rooted in flawed impulse control and cognitive dysfunction.
Premeditated crimes by autistic are rare in the extreme. Most are a result of flawed comprehension or poor impulse control. Take a look at the prevalence rate of ADHD within the prison population. It is 26% in the US compared to 9% in the general population. There is also a 40 - 60% comorbidity rate of ADHD within the autistic community. If an autistic does commit a crime there is a huge probability it is rooted in flawed impulse control and cognitive dysfunction.