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Absent mindedness

I certainly have the hyper thing going on. I can't pmaye spin more than 2 things at once, ideally 1 thing at a time. I am a serial processor! My job is constant distractions at times, even now I am permanently working from my home. If I'm focusing on something then get distracted, it knocks out my focus for a fair bit. Very annoying tbh. I've started physically slowing down with "executive functions", purposely concentrating on what I am doing.

I'm still taking SSRIs, could that be having a negative impact? I was thinking of edging my way of them but felt it was too soon after my recent discovery.

I remember reading that increasing serotonin (which is what happens when you take SSRIs) decreases dopamine. Some of the drugs used to treat ADHD work by increasing dopamine so I think SSRIs would worsen ADHD symptoms such as executive dysfunction and being easily distracted.

If I had depression and ADHD, I'd prefer an anti-depressant that increases dopamine such as Wellbutrin over an SSRI although drugs that increase dopamine can worsen anxiety. In general, I don't think treating emotional problems with psychiatric drugs is a good idea especially since CBT is safer and more effective. The main benefit of drugs, IMO, is short-term use to improve mood and executive dysfunction to make it easier to change beliefs using CBT and other psychological therapies to correct neurotransmitter imbalances.
That would be me. However, I don't appear to have any emotions because I am in a constant state of actively suppressing them,...especially around other people,...especially at work where life and death decision making can only occur with a clear mind absent of emotional influences. It's mentally exhausting because,...inside,...there can be a very emotional child that doesn't modulate his emotions well. For myself, I have to be in control,...I cannot allow emotions to interfere with my thinking and actions. I have never found emotions to be anything but a negative experience for me. I do come off as being indifferent and uncaring of what people think,...again, this is an emotional experience that I feel I must control and suppress.

So, to your point here,...at least in my case,...your observation of this type of behavior may be more of an active form of masking, rather than a natural state of being.

The double empathy problem
I remember reading that increasing serotonin (which is what happens when you take SSRIs) decreases dopamine. Some of the drugs used to treat ADHD work by increasing dopamine so I think SSRIs would worsen ADHD symptoms such as executive dysfunction and being easily distracted.

If I had depression and ADHD, I'd prefer an anti-depressant that increases dopamine such as Wellbutrin over an SSRI although drugs that increase dopamine can worsen anxiety. In general, I don't think treating emotional problems with psychiatric drugs is a good idea especially since CBT is safer and more effective. The main benefit of drugs, IMO, is short-term use to improve mood and executive dysfunction to make it easier to change beliefs using CBT and other psychological therapies to correct neurotransmitter imbalances.
You make some very valid points there. I would like to stop SSRIs as soon as is practical.
Example. When I have unrelated thoughts and lay my spectacles or phone down, I lose them. This happens far too often. Both inconvienent and highly irritating.

Thoughts, please?
I pick a place for all my important items. Phone, keys and cards go in a specific spot and always go there so I can find them...otherwise, it would be a frantic search everyday looking for those items.
I started doing that, but still to decide on the 1 place.
Maybe a place where you can see quite a bit. By the front door in a large sea shell or decorative bowl maybe? Something that will catch your attention?


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