@ Kaygee: Now that you've updated with the details, I'm leaning towards Dizzy's opinion on things. Although she may become more obnoxious after drinking, the alcohol is no more to blame than it is in drunk driving or other cases involving it. Unless someone held her down & poured the booze down her throat, she made the choice to drink. Since she's done it several times, she knows she becomes an abusive mean drunk. The drinking becomes a part of the pattern but the person remains at fault because they chose to get drunk.
As for getting a bed or other essentials, since you are employed, this poses no real challenge. You can order these things from local places online & they'll deliver & install them in your place. Although the idea of being alone seem daunting to you, living without someone undermining you & never having to fear the hurt someone's cruel tongue will cause you & never having 'home' be a place of shame & humiliation again are priceless.
Many women who leave abusive people too are terrified of what the change will mean but you know for sure that if you remain where you are, you will live your life out feeling ashamed & maltreated. Is that what you want?
It isn't what I want, but it's a big change....and me + change = AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
I know, sometimes you just "gotta do it", but it will be a very difficult thing. I called a shelter for battered husbands and if I get kicked out, I can stay there for a bit until I get on my feet and get a place. It'll just be quiet without and TV or furniture for a while, lol.
I'm glad to know you have a good job Kaygee. You will be fine! I say keep on being stuborn. Keep standing up to her! Unless you just want to get it over with and walk out. Do you have somewhere you could stay untill u get set up on your own?
From what I have gethered so far. ..... You have a job. You work out so you abviousley take care of yourself and are no slob. You make supper. That's more than a lot of men do to contribute to the household duties. You treat her well? true? You don't cheat, lie, run around acting crazy etc? You don't abuse her with words or physicaly. Hey if this is true sounds like she should apreciate haveing you as a partner. Lot of women can't say as much! And if this falls apart you will find someone else for you. There are plenty of 'fish' in the ssee of singles! A lot of women would consider themselfes lucky to find such a man.
I am not the counsiling profesional here (Arashi is) but after what you have siad I would not go to couples counselig with her becouse you already expect to have to come home and fight or defend whatever would be said. If you go to counseling I would go for yourself without her. You will need to get some confidance about yourself no matter if you stay with her or move on otherwise you will end up in another relationship with similar problems. From what I have learned here I would say the only thing wrong with you is that you have never learned that you are loveable the way you are, and that is a shame.
I just think she is takeing advantage of your low self esteem and useing it to 'keep' you in her controle. This post is realy bothering me! I realy hope you make a change.
She works in retail so I do the cooking and the laundry and make dinner, etc. I would never call her names because I know how bad it hurts...why would I want to inflict such pain on another?
I already do see a psychiatrist....my wife told me two years ago that if I didn't see one (this was pre-diagnosis) that she was going to kick me out. I see her about 10 times a year. They are good sessions and I have learned a lot (especially the AS diagnosis) by going to them.
Plus, without the Xanax she prescribes me, I probably would have jumped out of a window by now, lol. My psychiatrist says the same thing though, Undiagnosed....not many women have a husband that would do all of the things that I do...plus I take care of myself......it's like role reversal here......when I called the abuse hotline to get the men's shelter number, it's almost like all of the scripts they read to try to get more information out of you during the phone call are geared more towards women being abused by men. I know it is more common, but men do get abused as well.......some just take it better than others and some keep quiet about it.
Talking to you all really helps. Thank you!
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