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Addiction to caffeine

I do like the taste of coffee and often get into the habit of having one or two cups daily for the energy boost, but it definitely has a negative effect on me. I notice as soon as I have it that I feel jittery and have elevated anxiety levels, plus there's the issue of needing to pee a lot more :oops:. It sometimes causes digestive issues for me too.

What confuses me is that there's always conflicting information about whether it's good for you or not. Some studies and health experts say the polyphenols and antioxidants make it very good for you, as well as helping to reduce insulin resistance. But others argue it causes the stress hormone cortisol to skyrocket and depletes your adrenal glands, leading to additional stress. Like most things health related though who knows what's really true?! I think it's just down to each individual to experiment to see whether it works for them...
I would build a statue to the caffeine goddess if l could. This has enabled more 40 min runs then l can count. It has powered me thru jobs when l am tired. So relieved it's not illegal.
My father offered me my first cup of coffee when I was eighteen, and said 'Your an adult now, you can drink coffee'.
Oh dear. How wrong is he to behave like it’s alcohol. He robbed you a lot of innocence and freedom.
Do some people believe children should be drinking coffee? Because I've never heard of that.

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