So I kind of feel like I'm being picked on/bullied at work by one particular person. I have worked for the last year in a law firm as a clerk and am pretty good at my job and get along with all my co-workers. This older guy (40ish) paralegal has been there almost as long and mostly I haven't had a problem with him he's very odd, clearly isn't playing with a full deck. He tends to say very inappropriate stuff but nobody at work seems bothered by it maybe they just put it down to him being "eccentric". He's very unusual. He has spent days in his office and not talked to anyone yet other days seems manically happy and not in control of himself. He has been seen on numerous occasions in the past zonked out in his office, and seems to be on some pretty heavy meds. He's just very odd. He walks around constantly taking this partial dental plate in and out of his mouth to talk, with his bare hands (which he doesn't wash). Nobody seems phased by him. I wasn't either, until the last week or so, I don't know why all of a sudden he's started to be really nasty towards me, he gives me these dirty looks when I am in the same room as him, and he is starting to make nasty snide comments directed at me sometimes in front of co-workers..Like he'll say, "there's (my name), he's like Helen Keller and we all have to be Annie Sullivan for him". Or, he'll say, "who raised you, where are your manners" when everyone there knows perfectly well I am very good-mannered and always open doors for people and try to help anyone I can..I have dealt with a lot of crap in my life, from bullies in high school to having to deal with family members when I came out to them, and I love working where I work, but this one guy is making things really weird for me now.
Today, myself and a co-worker were entering a room and he happened to be there holding a door, and he said "not for you" directed at me. He has this thing too where if he's bantering with people he'll say "I will cut you"....I heard him say that awhile back to co workers he was bantering with, and he said it to me a few months back more than once..Jokingly probably, but still...From a 40 year old man it came off weird and creepy and very uncomfortable.I mean he's probably just on some sort of a sick bantering phase lately, given his odd personality, but I'm beginning to feel slightly bullied and it's making me have flashbacks to high school when I was severely bullied. I think he is either bipolar or has some major personality issue.
Issue is, I'm only part time here, and so I don't want to rock any boat, it's hard for me to get a job and I want to keep this one. And I have gotten along so well with all my co-workers. Everyone knows this guy is weird and creepy, but most seem to just ignore him or not be bothered. I try and avoid him but you know how it is in a small office. And lately he seems to just randomly say dumb **** to me even if I am totally minding my own business. What should I do? I could tell my boss I guess, and tell her I don't want to rock the boat, but just to let her know that he makes me uncomfortable? But given that the guy seems to be not all there mentally, what if he made up something about me? So for now, do I just deal with his nasty mouth? My co-worker said he was probably just feeling bad about himself and insecure so he looks to put down someone he thinks is good looking. Just not sure what to do. There's nothing physical at all, or anything like that. Maybe it's all banter, but words still hurt. I told him once, and asked why he was being mean, he simply said "why not"? Sorry but being mentally ill does not give one the right to be a jerk. Advice?